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It takes time to write a quality book, and when you self-publish one, there are added responsibilities besides being the author. But once you find out how to get an ISBN number, decide on an editor, and have a cover designed, the marketing opportunities for you and your business are substantial. Wise businesspeople (and those with professional practices) find that professionally published books are powerful tools for their marketing programs. They build credibility, give opportunities for pitching the media, and attract new clients and business opportunities. It works for virtually all businesspeople.

Much of successful business or professional practice marketing is about credibility. Books have a way of establishing you as an expert in your field in a way few other things can. They let readers (often prospective clients) find out more about your unique business philosophy, way of thinking and can include examples of clients and past successes. It's a much more powerful statement of capabilities than could ever be conveyed on a website or brochure alone. Because it's now widely accepted to self-publish books of quality, you no longer need to go through the process of attracting a traditional publisher.

If you need to market yourself, there's also the media to consider. They're much more willing to consider you when a book accompanies a publicist's pitch about your newsworthiness. In turn, their coverage of you confers additional credibility in the eyes of client prospects. Media coverage is the ideal content for your website and social media channels. When you're featured in the news, people regard you as a leader in your industry or profession and someone who is trusted and respected. There is almost no other way to proactively generate the kind of coverage you can earn with a book. 

Top PR pros point out that websites and brochures tell client prospects what you do, but a book is seen as proof you know what you're doing. It also gives you a platform to more thoroughly explain your ideas and services. The media coverage adds more credibility because when you are covered, the implication is that you're an expert who is highly regarded. So, the reasons for writing a book are many, and if you've struggled to market yourself and your business, a book can turn things around quickly. It's also an enjoyable process for many people who are interested in their careers and areas of expertise.