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Seven Ways Truck Drivers Can Beat Back Pain | Suburban Seating & Safety

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Most truck drivers are all too familiar with back pain, which can range from annoying to career-ending. Sitting for long hours and performing heavy physical labor puts them at risk. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability in workers under 45.

Ergonomics can help avoid trouble. Here are seven ways truck drivers can avoid or beat back pain:

1. Sit in a different position every half hour. This reduces the stress on your body when sitting for extended periods. 

2. Get a new semi-truck seat with a supportive, adjustable seat cushion to absorb constant vibrations from your truck.

3. Reposition the steering wheel. It should be placed so your elbows are closer to your sides, and you don’t have to reach as far.

4. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated improves body function and healing power.

5. Use a seat with adjustable lumbar support for your lower back and to help ensure you are sitting up straight.

6. Adjust your mirrors. Position vehicle mirrors so you don’t need to stretch or strain to see them. 

7. When sitting, make sure your knees aren’t higher than your hips. Adjust your seat if necessary. 

These tips can prevent lower back pain, lost work time, and high medical bills. 

For ergonomic replacement semi-truck seats, including custom truck seats, feel free to browse truck seats for sale at Suburban Seating & Safety by visiting our official website at https://www.suburbanseats.com/ or by contacting us at 844-727-7328 to speak to a representative for further assistance today!






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