1. Pets

Should I Get An Adult Cat Or A Kitten?

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Choosing whether to get an adult cat or a kitten can be a little tough, especially if this is your first time becoming a cat parent. Each has benefits and drawbacks, so the decision will truly depend on the lifestyle and personal preferences of the person looking to have a pet cat.


Kittens are undeniably adorable and full of energy, making them a great choice for those seeking a playful and active companion. However, they require a significant amount of attention, training, and patience. Kittens are also more prone to accidents, such as scratching furniture or knocking over objects.

Introducing a Kitten to an Older Cat | Vets4Pets

On the other hand, adult cats are typically more mellow, gentle, and independent, making them an ideal choice for those who work long hours or prefer a low-maintenance pet. They are also more likely to be already trained and litter box trained. Additionally, adult cats are less likely to destroy belongings or cause disturbances.


Your veterinarian San Clemente, CA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.
