Should Women Train Self Defense Differently To Men?

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It's important to learn self-defense and if a women is somehow taught differently, then can protect herself and cope up with real-life violence. She will get the right sense of confidence which means she will be prepared for all real crises. 


Instructors out there like to boast that their female students are as tough as the males. It's a pride moment of all instructors how much of a beating their ladies can take, and often the ladies cry, bleed, broken but they can't quit mentally. What’s more, they view this as a requirement, a condition for acceptance, that applies to anyone who wants to become part of their tribe or be accepted into their little coterie. 

Ignorance on this scale says nothing about the student, but everything about the instructor. Any instructor who intentionally beats on a beginner is a bully, plain and simple. Not only this, pitifully ignorant is what coaching actually means and actually shouldn’t be teaching anything at all. 

Hence, one thing that needs to consider and here it is- training does need to be realistic, and it does need to prepare women for the ugly reality of violence. 

Why Do Women Need To Be Trained Differently From Men

From starting, it’s ignorant to say, as some do that all crime and violence is the same, and therefore, women should train exactly the same way as a man should. 

Just thing:

  • Men generally aren’t targeted as potential rape victims.
  • Men aren’t sexually harassed daily, stalked, or catcalled. They’re not asked for favours to win a promotion or settle a big deal. 
  • Men’s drinks don’t generally get spiked on social occasions. 
  • A man can walk down the lane alone but women cannot, it’s an entirely different scenario. 
  • Men aren’t seen as easy targets of kidnappers or robbers as much as women are. 
  • Women are subjected to domestic violence. 

Of course, this isn’t always the case. But most frequently, it is. 


There are many other factors as well. Women who approached an instructor for self dense training may already she have been a victim of a crime or suffered from trauma. And now you want to bear her up in class to ‘Make Her Tough’ or show her what “reality” is all about?

Women seeking competent self defense instruction is very often nervous or unsure of what to expect. She often starts out feeling vulnerable and out of her depth, and very often it’s in a training environment populated by males. Many times, for women, just showing up, taking that tentative first step, is often a huge step of faith, and it takes a great deal of courage. So, at Krav Maga Systems, we take a very different approach. 

So, as women seeking practical, realistic training in self defense, you have many options- you can fall for the wannabe tough guy loners who mistake ego and noise for strength, or you can visit an Krav Maga System club, where you’ll be welcomed, trained professionally and shown how to maximize your potential in an environment of respect, high levels of skill, and true empowerment, self defense for adults by superbly qualified instructors. 

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