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Should You Change Your QuickBooks Merchant Services? The Pros and the Cons

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If you're thinking about switching your QuickBooks merchant services provider, there are some things you should know first. You might be better off sticking with your current company, but if you have lots of time and energy to spend trying to get a good deal, look around for a new provider. If you decide to switch, make sure that the new company offers an easy transition process so that your data doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

A QuickBooks merchant services is the company you use to process payments, like credit cards or Paypal, on a website.

A QuickBooks merchant services is the company you use to process payments, like credit cards or Paypal, on a website. If you have multiple websites that sell products or services and need to accept payments online then it's important that you choose the right one. You can use the same merchant services for multiple websites but there are advantages in having separate ones. For example, if one site sells products while another offers services then it makes sense to use different companies so they can offer different rates based on their fee structures.

The pros of using separate QuickBooks merchant services include:

  • Better customer service experience because companies specialize in different things
  • More competitive pricing

The major benefit of changing your merchant services is that it can be very expensive to stick with the same one for years and years.

The major benefit of changing your merchant services is that it can be very expensive to stick with the same one for years and years.

The reason for this is that most providers charge fees based on how much they process on your behalf. So if you have a small business, but you're processing millions of dollars in transactions annually, then you'll pay more than someone who only processes thousands. However, if your company grows rapidly–or if another company comes along with better rates–than those higher costs may not be worth paying anymore!

If you have lots of time and energy to spend trying to get a good deal, look around for a new provider.

If you're considering changing your QuickBooks Merchant Services provider, make sure to consider the pros and cons of doing so.


  • You can get a better deal with another merchant services provider.
  • You might be able to negotiate better terms with your current provider if they know that you're looking elsewhere for better deals (i.e., they'll lower their rates).


A major drawback of switching merchant services is that it's often hard to transfer data from one billing program to another.

Another drawback of switching merchant services is that it's often hard to transfer data from one billing program to another. If your business uses QuickBooks, for example, and decides to switch from Intuit Merchant Services to Square or PayPal Payments Pro, there's no guarantee that everything will transfer over smoothly.

You might end up losing access to valuable customer information–and then have no choice but to start over with a new program. Or worse yet: You could lose access altogether! In some cases (like when Intuit moved its payment processing service away from AuthorizeOnline), businesses had no choice but throw out all their stored data and start again with a new provider.

If this sounds like something you don't want happening at your company…well…there are ways around it! But they're not easy–and they could cost money too…

You may lose access to data if you leave your current merchant services provider.

If you leave your current merchant services provider, you may lose access to data. You may not be able to transfer it from one billing program to another, and this could cause problems if you're switching companies.

Another drawback is that it can be difficult to find out what fees are associated with switching providers.

Another drawback is that it can be difficult to find out what fees are associated with switching providers. You might have to pay a fee to transfer your data, or lose access to data if you leave your current merchant services provider.

It could be worth it in the long run but taking the plunge might be stressful

It's important to consider the pros and cons of switching your merchant services provider. While you may be able to save money, it's possible that your data will be inaccessible during the transition period. If this happens, it could cost your business time and money in lost sales and productivity.

If you do decide to switch providers, make sure that they have a good reputation for customer service so that any issues can be resolved quickly. Also keep in mind that there will likely be fees associated with switching providers–such as early termination fees or penalties for cancelling contracts before they expire—so factor these into your decision when weighing whether or not it's worth it for your company's unique needs.*


So, if you think it might be worth making the switch, go ahead! Just make sure that you do your homework first and have a plan in place before going through with it.


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