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Significance Of Paper Thickness Micrometer Gauge

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When paper quality, strength and durability are directly attributed to paper thickness, the Paper thickness micrometer gauge becomes incredibly important. A Micrometre gauge is an instrument used to give the exact thickness of the paper and paper-based packaging material that a naked eye can never tell. Even if you belong to the paper and packaging industry, it is imperative to rely on tests and metrics for bulk production.

Paper thickness tells a lot about the strength and durability of paper and packaging. This testing instrument has a significant role in manufacturing the packages to make them commercially viable. 

When it comes to measuring the thickness of the thinnest commodity on the planet – THE PAPER, manufacturers surely cannot rely on the ruler. Rulers fail to measure something below a cm. What if you want a matrix in mm? UEC digital micrometer gauge helps accurately determine the thickness of paper, paperboard, corrugated boxes and soft material for different manufacturers to produce commercially viable paper. Also, adhere to the compliance norms set by SCAN, TAPPS and ISO. 

What Is A Micrometer Gauge? 

Unlike a ruler or caliper, a micrometer gauge is used to attain a more precise micro-measurement. This professional Paper testing machine is a lot better than a caliper to achieve the most exact measurements for paper thickness for industrial applications. As measurements are integral with commercially scaling paper and paper-packaging products, ruler and caliper are out of the question. All in all, the UEC paper thickness micrometer gauge is used to determine thickness with the most accuracy and more profound resolution.

Measuring Paper Thickness With Micrometer Gauge 

Thickness is the major attribute of a quality paper. And when a ruler or calliper fails to determine the actual thickness of the paper, a micrometer gauge comes into role. The instrument gives more precise results than any other way of measuring the paper thickness. Thus thickness measurement by micrometer gauge is the globally approved standard used for paper manufacturing.

Prepare a specimen with pre-determined measurements – it is a crucial stage as the entire test is formulated against the prepared specimen. Incorrect sample preparation may lead to tempered results. Pre-adjust the micrometer gauge for precision and then measure any sheet to test whether the machine shows the results. Now that the micrometer is set, you can proceed with the actual test of measuring the paper thickness. 

There are n number of reasons why measuring paper thickness accurately matters. Paper thickness determines everything from print quality to usage of ink, writing ease on the copier paper, strength of paper packages and durability of paper in any form. If a paper is too thick, it will cause difficulty with ink absorption and result in a shady or uneven print. 

Get Precision With UEC – Conclusion

UEC Paper thickness micrometer gauge stands neck to neck with other paper testing instruments in the domestic and international market. For decades, UEC has facilitated paper testing tools in India and globally. Years of expertise have led us to understand your requirements and global industrial standards exceptionally well.

