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Signs of Water Damage on the Ceilings & Roofs

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Many homeowners think that their roofs and ceilings are in tip-top condition. That is until their roof actively starts leaking or shows obvious signs of damage. They don't consider the warning signs that show up before the inevitable water damage. 


Your house will show you what it needs in terms of maintenance and repair. There will always be warning signs that will be shown before the damage takes place. All you have to do is look out for them. Water damage cleanup is important if you don’t want to live in a shallow pool for the rest of your life. For example, mold and mildew can be indicated by their smell before their spread. Much like this, water damage can also be found on ceilings and roofs. Here's what to look out for signs of water damage on the ceilings and roofs:


Signs of water damage

Water Spots 

Water stains on the roof ceiling suggest leaks. However, it could be challenging to locate their source. A gradual leak is typically more difficult to identify than a large one. The reason is that a slow leak frequently spreads from the original opening, making it challenging to locate the leak's source. In this instance, contacting a well-reputable contracting company can save you from dealing with the headaches of water damage problems. 


They'll be the ones to assess the extent of the problems and suggest the appropriate measures you need to take to solve them. Prevention of water damage that’s done properly can also be a service that they provide. 


Granules in Gutters

Aging, rain, or storms can cause shingle granules to fall from the roof surface. A lot of shingle loss on the roof is a sign that the roof granules need to be replaced. Damage from shingles is frequently seen as smooth or bald patches with the bulk of the granules pulled off. Check your single's manufacturer's warranty first, then get in touch with a residential roof repair expert to determine the severity of the shingle damage and if you need repair or replace them.


Granules in gutters can be quite dangerous if left untreated. It is always better to act quickly whenever you see any changes in the state of your roof's shingles. 


Cracking and Blistering Shingles

The shingles are exposed to direct sunlight as they age and lose granules, becoming brittle in the process. UV rays harm the shingles from the inside out, which causes cracking and blistering. In addition to reducing the property's curb appeal, shingle cracking and blistering expose the roof to water leaks, which might result in permanent harm to the roofing system. Contact a contracting expert right away if you see any cracks or blisters in the shingles to prevent additional harm and expensive repairs. 


Soft or Spongy Wood Decking

Wood decking that is soft and pliable is a sign of extensive water damage. The decking might decay as a result of water damage, leaving the roof vulnerable to further leaks. While walking on the roof, you should be able to see water stains on the decking. However, soft decking is dangerous to walk on. Thus, it should not be used until the necessary repairs have been made. Always be careful when walking on suspected damaged surfaces. You can only be safe to walk on soft surfaces after restoration after water damage has been done in your home. 


You never know how extensive the damage really is, and the last thing you want is for you and the roof to fall in. 


Water Spots on the Exteriors of the Walls

Water stains on a building's external walls point to step flashing damage, the area where the roof meets the wall. Rainwater leaves the wet spots because the step flashing over time may corrode or become loose. Although replacing the step flashing might solve the problem, it is a difficult task that needs the assistance of a roofing expert. 


Brown, “Rusty” Stains

Brown or “rusty” stains on the walls, ceilings, or attic are sometimes one of the most obvious symptoms of ceiling or roof water damage. You should always get them looked at professionally if they begin to appear inside your house since they might be an indication of a prior or ongoing leak. 


Mold Along the Corners or in the Walls

Mold is, of course, a blatant sign of a moisture issue and may develop into a problem in as little as 48 hours when the right combination of water and humidity is present. While a reputable roofing repair firm attends to the source of the leaky roof and interior ceiling water damage, the fungus should be treated since it can pose a major health risk to individuals who reside in the house. Thus, removal of mold is imperative. 



Signs of water damage on the ceilings & roofs can be obvious once you start to look out for them. Your article aims to educate you about these signs and to keep an eye out for them. Now that you're equipped with this knowledge, you can safely tell when your ceiling and roof will start experiencing water damage.


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