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Signs You Need To Change Filter of Water Purifier

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“There are some signs you need to know about the time of replacement of water filters. Read this article to know in detail”.

Nowadays, water purifiers are one of the most essential things in every household. When buying a water filter, you will get several brands with their distinct features. In that case, always choose the Best Eureka Water Purifier in Dubai.

A good water purifier taken from any of the reliable water purifier suppliers in Dubai also needs good maintenance every time. After A few months, the filter of the water purifier can get blocked and stop working. So, you can check these following signs that might tell you your water filter needs replacement.

Metallic Taste

If the water filter doesn't work, then you will notice a change in the taste of water. When water passes through filter, it removes harmful chemicals and unwanted particles. So, if the filter stops working, it stops removing those particles. As a result, you will get a different taste and odour in water. Hence, you should change the filter as soon as possible.

Higher TDS Level

TDS level in water also indicates the purity of water. The water purifier generally controls the TDS level in water. When it has high TDS level, then the water might feel salty and hard. Apart from that, higher TDS level also leaves white stain in container.

The TDS meter is also a great way to find out the TDS level in water. After replacing the water filter, check TDS level of water and write it down somewhere. Now watch out the TDS level in water very often. Any dramatic change of this level indicates the life of your water purifier or time to change the filter.

Slow Release of Water

With a new water filter, you will get a smooth flow of water every time. If the water filter doesn't work properly, then you can notice a sudden change in flow of water. The reason behind slow flow of water is TDS level. TDS means total dissolved solids. If there are a pressure of solids in Eureka Water Filters in Dubai, the water can get choked that results in slow flow. In that case, you should replace it as soon as possible.

Unusual Sound

Unusual sound or vibration is another sign that tells your water filter needs replacement. The change of sound generally happens due to the presence of solids in water. This sound generally stays for 5-6 days. But after 5 days, it stopped making an unusual sound. If the sound remains even after 5 days, then you should change the filter immediately.

What Happens If You Don't Change Filter

* The water flow will get disturbed and it will be full of debris. After some days, you will get an unpleasant smell from the water.

* The clogged filter can not filter the impurities from water.

* Sediment deposits on the filter make the container white or forms a mineral build up there.

* It reduces the efficiency of water filter that leads to damage to the water filter.

* Impure water is not safe for health. It increases the chance of several waterborne diseases.


These all are the signs that might tell you it is time to change the water filter as soon as possible. So, if you notice any of those above signs in the water, immediately change it with a new one. You can also choose the Best Eureka Water Purifier in Dubai for pure and smooth water supply.

Author Bio: Jeff, a blogger on home renovation, writes about different signs that help you understand when the water filter should be replaced. Read his other articles to know more interesting facts.