1. Gaming

Silverstein And Greenwood Enter New York Casino License Competition

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Their new “Avenir” casino hotel will be located on the far west side of Manhattan, promising significant economic benefits to the surrounding area. Silverstein Property, a leading real estate development and investment company, and Greenwood Gaming & Entertainment, a renowned casino operating company, have announced their intention to bid for a commercial casino license in downtown New York. The partnership between the two companies directly competes with other well-known operators hoping to obtain one of the limited licenses. 파친코

Silverstein and Greenwood's commercial casino license bids will face significant competition with other existing casino operators and development companies competing for the opportunity. Factors such as financial strength, industrial experience, and the design and amenities of the proposed casino will play an important role in the evaluation process conducted by regulators.

The two companies should also convince residents of the merits of their projects. Otherwise, considerable resistance may be encountered. Coney Islanders have come together to protest the boardwalk casino bid, fearing the negative impact on crime, traffic and pollution. Many residents are also concerned that independent casino facilities will be of little benefit to the surrounding businesses, only to burden the region with the negative effects of the industry.

The Avenir project combines Silverstein and Greenwood's critical expertise to position them as a strong competitor to long-cherished casino licenses. If the project is successful, it can improve entertainment services in the region, creating significant economic benefits and job opportunities. As the bidding process progresses, stakeholders and industry watchers are eagerly awaiting the consequences and potential changes of the selected bids.


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