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Most people choose to work with a life coach when they need more support getting their priorities lined up and making progress towards their goals. Sometimes they may even feel a bit rudderless and are needing to start with clarity and finding something inside themselves first. Regardless of where you need to start, there are many ways that working with a life coach in Vancouver can improve your life.

Let’s talk about some simple steps to go through with your new life coach to improve your life and get the most out of your time.

1. Clarify What You Want & Why – This step may take a few hours for some or a few months for others. If you don’t know what you want from life then it’s about digging deep into figuring out who you are, what ignites your soul, and what skills and gifts you have to share with the world. Knowing your why – your ultimate purpose – is so critical to knowing what you want because you can’t decide where to go if you don’t know why you’re doing it. Work with your coach to get crystal clear on your purpose and where you want to get to.

2. Create A Plan – Once you know the ultimate goal, start on a plan to get there. Work through what is required, where you’re at now, and all of the steps between now and the goal. Break the bigger goals down into small achievable steps so you have things you can do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to move you towards the life you dream of. Having a plan means you can put your vision into action.

3. Hold Yourself Accountable – Each goal post you miss means you lengthen the distance between where you are now and the place you want to get to. Sometimes stepping back or slowing down, or even pivoting, will be necessary, but take those actions consciously by adapting your plan to suit them so you still feel on track. If you find you need a break, schedule that in so it is intentional and feels like part of the plan. Let your life coach in Vancouver know where you struggle with accountability and the parts that are hardest to stick to so they can support you with accountability actions.

4. Track Your Progress – We can so easily forget to look back and where we came from but a great life coach will consistently remind you to look back at how far you’ve come and to celebrate each small victory as they come. The more you can see your progress, the more motivated and confident you become about reaching your destination.

Working with a life coach can make a huge difference in making your dreams a reality. They can help you to put action to your vision and ensure it happens so you get there. Nothing great ever happens overnight, but with a solid plan, accountability, and action, you can live the life of your dreams.


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