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Skin Care Tips For Acne Treatment and Prevention | Zyla Health

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Acne is a skin inflammatory condition which commonly begins at puberty between the ages of 10 and 13 and can be seen residing in oily-skinned adults. Acne types observed in infants and children may be overlooked because it is usually mild and transient.

Acne occurs when the porous skin gets clogged by dirt, oil, bacteria or dead skin cells because of your lifestyle or the environment you live in. Although acne can appear anywhere on your body, evident hotspot areas include the face, neck, back, shoulders, and chest.

A girl with acne on her face.
Skin is the major route of acne formation.

Your overall health remains unaffected by pimple breakout but visible and permanent acne or its scars can have an impact on self-confidence and self-esteem if acne treatment is not well.

Let’s discover more about acne causes, types, prevention and tips for acne treatment.

Did you know acne affects approximately 85% of teenagers but can occur in most age groups and can persist into adulthood?

Certain acne may appear to be similar but they are not. Now, let’s read out the various acne types to know more.

Different acne types

The beginning of acne is marked when sticky secretions from the skin’s oil glands block the small apertures called plugged pores. These clogs can take the following appearances if acne prevention is not done at the initial stages:

1. Comedones

Comedones are skin-coloured, small bumps which may form a blackhead or whitehead. Usually, the first acne type to get formed.

2. Papules

Papules are tiny, red and raised pimples typically measuring less than a centimetre. Your papule could be flat on top or have a dome-like form.

3. Pustules

Pustules are small, inflamed, pus-filled, blister-like sores (lesions) on the skin surface. These lumps may be found in clusters on the same area of the body and may get extremely large.

4. Nodules

Nodules are solid swellings beneath the skin’s surface which can occasionally get infectious and grow into larger painful and pus-filled. This acne type is severe and should be treated immediately.

Acne causes

Being aware of the possible causes of acne helps in designing better treatment strategies for acne treatment. The most common acne causes include

1. Hormonal changes during puberty

As a teenager, an increased level of androgen hormone is secreted which in turn leads to oily skin. These hormonal changes are also witnessed during Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or other endocrine disorders.

Visit our website- zyla.in or download the Zyla App to live a healthier life with PCOS.

2. Stress

If you have stress, then the stress hormones released in your body will stimulate the oil glands to produce oil, increase inflammation and will reduce the defenses of your body for acne prevention.

3. Cosmetics

You must be careful with the quality of beauty products because greasy products make your skin prone to acne. You might get a temporary glow but the pores of your skin will be blocked, causing prolonged acne treatment.

Make up items on a pink background.
Not removing makeup before sleeping properly can lead to acne.

4. Environmental conditions

If you are a resident of a polluted area, you need to be extra careful because exposure to higher levels of dust, chemicals or even hot and humid environments are all acne causes.

5. Genetics

A family history of having oily skin can also make you more susceptible to acne. Also, females are more likely to have acne as compared to males because of less thick and more sensitive skin. This makes acne treatment and acne prevention difficult.

6. Self-maintenance

The acne on the skin can be irritating because of which you might squeeze the pimples, which can result in lifelong scars on the skin.

Hard scrubbing of the face using cleansers can also worsen the condition. Gentle skin care is needed for acne treatment.

7. Diet

If you have more refined carbohydrates such as white bread, buns or sweets, dairy products in your diet, the susceptibility to acne skin increases.

Personalized nutrition covering all the aspects of health can be the best approach towards acne treatment by diet and lifestyle management. We, here at Zyla, work towards customized nutrition on the basis of health problems being faced. Why wait? For proper guidance, download the Zyla app now!

Some of the following acne prevention tips can be followed to lower the chances of breakouts. Let’s get right into it.

Acne prevention tips

Try out these acne prevention tips and tricks to get clear and scar-free skin.

1. Stress management

  • Distracting yourself towards hobbies
  • Have a talk with family or friends
  • Set a routine

Learn more about “Managing anxiety and stress

Don’t be hesitant to seek out help from a mental health professional when you need it. Go visit zyla.in or download the Zyla app and obtain help 24*7. By offering you individualized care, we assist you in enhancing your general well-being!

2. Keep your skin clean

  • Wash your acne-prone area especially your face twice a day and after sweating.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Touching the face frequently must be restricted.

3. Being gentle

  • Use your fingertips to apply a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser. Scrubbing the skin with a washcloth, mesh sponge, or anything else can make acne treatment difficult.
  • Use gentle products, such as those that are alcohol-free.

4. Oil-free skin

  • If you have oily hair, make sure to shampoo daily.

5. Natural healing

  • Let your skin heal naturally. If you burst or squeeze your acne, your skin will take longer to clear. Acne treatment will become difficult and you increase the risk of developing acne scars.

Did you know?

Studies have shown that the direct cost spent on acne treatment is estimated to exceed 247 billion rupees per year.

I am sure looking at the expense figures, you might have the urge to know about effective acne treatment so that extra costs can be saved. Read ahead to find out.

Acne treatment

The acne treatment strategy that is best for you will rely on a number of factors, including

  • Acne type and skin
  • Acne site
  • Presence of scars
  • Onset period of breakouts
  • Your age and gender
  • Acne treatments already tried

Now, I will let you know about effective acne treatment on the basis of the type of acne as prescribed by the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD)-

1. Comedones

Acne treatment plan may include one of the following:

  • A retinoid
  • A retinoid along with benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, or salicylic acid
  • Benzoyl peroxide and an antibiotic to be applied to your skin
A woman getting facial treatment.
Acne treatment will depend upon acne and skin type.

2. Papules or pustules

Mild or moderate pimples can be treated with medication you apply to your skin. Acne treatment will often consist of applying one of the following:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • A Retinoid
  • Azelaic acid
  • Benzoyl peroxide + a retinoid or an antibiotic you apply to your skin

3. Nodules or cysts

If you have deep, painful acne that often leaves a permanent acne scar, effective acne treatment can help you see clearer skin and prevent new scars. Treatment may consist of:

  • Prescription medication that you apply to your skin + taking an antibiotic
  • Hormonal therapy (women only)

4. Additional therapies

Your dermatologist might also suggest including one of the following therapies for your acne treatment

  • Injections

In case of severe acne types, injections may be prescribed by a dermatologist at the affected site to rapidly relieve the pain and the size of the breakout.

  • Laser therapy

Dermatologists may find laser therapy necessary as an acne treatment option. This treatment could be used in combination with other treatment options.

  • Diet therapy

Any food or drink which seems to start a breakout or make your acne worse needs to be restricted or avoided. Low-glycemic index foods include most fresh vegetables, some fresh fruits must be encouraged for better management.

Acne healing is a slow process and will depend on the acne treatment and skin type. Check out this video on home remedies for acne prevention and treatment.

Takeaway message

Mind calmness and patience are crucial in acne treatment. Everyone faces acne at some point in life. So, always remember, you are not alone in this. The solution to getting a thorough and precise diagnosis is to go visit a dermatologist or get a consult on zyla.in.

While some therapies might be effective right away, it might take several months before you notice significant progress. In addition to this, lifestyle management and healthy behaviour can effectively manage acne causes.

The majority of our daily nutritional needs are met by a healthy well-balanced diet. At Zyla, we believe in a complete and holistic approach to preventing and managing all health issues with programs tailored just for you.

Go can visit zyla.in, download the Zyla app or send an email to care@zyla.in to know about our health programmes. Zyla can help you with not only doctor consults but also nutrition advice and exercise guidance, that are appropriate for you.

Stay strong! Stay healthy!

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