1. Media

Social Media and Myth of the Perfect Life

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In this era, it is undeniable that social media has a significant impact on our economy, culture, and overall view of today's world. Social media has empowered a lot of people through an unrestricted flow of information.

Today,  it is the most used method of connecting with current events and interests. Many humanity essay topics show that people have become isolated but connected via social media through photos on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.

You post status updates on Whatsapp that at times present the silky vision of how we are running our present life, or instead post what we want our distant friends to see. Social media has its positive and negative impacts on self-esteem. In this article, you get to know these effects of social media in details

Positive effects on self-esteem

Many social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook not only connect you with the world. Social media also connect you with your families and friends who are not physically near.  Through social media, some people have been introduced to the professional world, providing them with online jobs such as Essay Editing and new experiences.

Social media serves as an outlet to sell many businesses. Social media also spreads vital messages and news, assists people to live up to modern technology and express their viewpoints on a public platform.

Negative impacts on self-esteem

Social media is a platform that helps you boost your confidence temporarily. When you post a picture on any forum, you crave the attention it provides. After getting negative comments, you end up doubting your skills and existence. For the positive comments, you feel satisfaction and joy.

Most people depend on comments, likes, and feedback. People tend to forget that their options are more worthy and valuable. Most people prefer posting those moments filled with joy, pleasure, events, and success despite having a life full of sadness and difficulty.

Social media's luxurious life creates a perfect picture in the eyes of social media. Unfortunately, it pressures people to maintain specific standards that seem unrealistic. Most photos posted on social media look perfect to the world.

For instance, if your face is full of acne that never fades away no matter how many facial products you use on it. Sure, it is frustrating. When you post a picture, you ensure it is edited such that no blemish can be seen on your face. How about when you meet people in real life without these filters ? Your perfect life will be ruined, and this lowers your self-esteem.

When people post perfect pictures with perfect lives, they have no idea that someone else self-esteem is lowered. This is because they try to compare and compete with such people. A person struggling with self-doubt and low self-esteem feels like they live below-average life. This is after seeing people live their best life on social media.

Even though social media is said to be a harmful platform, it is not the root of anxiety and depression. Instead, depression and anxiety are caused by issues in a person's head. This happens when they get carried away by social media events and lose hold of reality.

Some people start using social media at a very tender age. At this time, a parent should be controlling what their children are doing on the internet. Parents should try promoting positive online interactions and building their child's self-esteem.

Parents should avoid posting a picture that may affect their children. You should consider asking your child's permission before posting pictures of them, no matter how cute it is. Parents are responsible for teaching their children to respect other people's privacy, which will apply for the rest of their lives.

A study done by the University of Pennsylvania showed that social media could increase the self-worth and wellbeing of an individual. Spending the whole day on social media makes you spend less time with family. It also plays a major role in shaping the experience of feeling lonely in an undeniable way. Spending a lot of time in a social circle decreases our patience level for isolation. It increases our expectation of the quality and frequency of our online connection.

Psychologists agree that individuals who have positive self-esteem have a healthy personality. They are more efficient and confident. Those with low self-esteem are mainly carried away by simple things like a picture on social media, and they try to emulate such a life. As a result, they are unable to make critical life decisions.

It is wise to remember that not everything you see on social media is true. Only a tiny percent live the kind of luxurious life they post on social medial platforms. The rest are just posting for publicity. So do not get carried away by such type of life and lower your standard. Be yourself.


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