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Solar panels are an extremely environmentally friendly way to get a worthwhile return on your investment.

For the uninitiated solar panels are installed on the roof of your house or other horizontal surface like your garage and utilize the rays of the sun to produce electricity. Solar electricity is totally renewable and extremely environmentally friendly because there is no fossil fuels used in the production of solar electricity by solar panels and so no greenhouse gases produced when making electricity using solar panels.

Jennifer ‘ the senior internet technology & digital analyst writer at best essay writing service blog says, There are 2 advantages to installing solar panels on your home as far as the return goes. Your first is that depending on the size of your system you can partially or completely offset the cost of your electricity bill by producing your own electricity and therefore minimizing the amount of electricity you use from the grid. This obviously reduces your electricity bill significantly depending on the size of your solar system and is a worthwhile return on the investment you make purchasing your solar panels.

If you buy a solar system that is sufficiently large then it will also produce more electricity than you consume in your household at certain times of the day. In this case after the installation of an appropriate meter to measure it this electricity is then fed back into the grid and you should if you select the right electricity provider get a check back each quarter for the amount of electricity which you have fed back.

Currently governments are encouraging the installation of solar panels by offering various rebates and incentives to make the installation of solar panels cost-effective. It varies from state to state however there is a significant rebate on the installation cost of installing solar panels and there are also incentives for what is called the feed in tariff or in other words the amount of money that you are paid by the electricity company for excess energy which you feed back into the grid.

Currently I pay around 22 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity that I consume and I am paid 60 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity that I feed back so roughly almost 3 times as much as what I pay. This is where the incentive comes in and estimates are though it varies from person to person and installation to installation that the costs of a solar panel installation should be repaid within about 8 years making a greater than 10 percent return on your money.

And this doesn't allow for the increases in electricity prices expected.

So if you're environmentally friendly or just looking for a good investment you could do worse than installing solar panels on your home.