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Solar Roof Vent Reviews Australia

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 is a smart home ventilation system that uses the power of the sun to exhaust hot, moist air from your attic. This helps to lower your energy bill.

Choosing the right roof ventilator is important to ensure the best possible results and a long lifespan. Here are a few tips to help you decide on the best one for your property.


In Australia, our summers continue to get hotter and this means that our homes and workplaces often struggle with uncomfortable temperatures. Solar roof vents can help you to avoid this problem and keep your home comfortable by replacing the heat from your roof space with cooler air from outside.

However, solar roof ventilation systems are expensive, and this can put a lot of homeowners off. It may take you 10–15 years before the energy savings from these solar roof ventilators pay for themselves, but if you have an efficient system installed you can save on your electricity bill and enjoy better air quality.

The cost of high-quality solar powered roof vents can vary widely but most of these are backed by a warranty. Typically, the motor and solar panel will be the most expensive components but they can last for many years so they are worth the extra money.

Energy efficiency

A solar roof vent works all year round because it uses sunlight to power its motor. This makes it an energy efficient product.

Solar roof ventilators can also reduce your electricity bill by up to 30 percent, so they are a good choice for homeowners who want to lower their energy costs. They also work efficiently to ventilate your attic and keep your home comfortable all year long.

These vents work by drawing warmer air from inside your house up into the attic, where it can be expelled out through eve vents and then replaced with cooler air.

Solar roof vents are much more effective than standard wind vents, and they have better ventilation capacity. In fact, they are able to move up to 2–4 times the amount of air that a quality wind vent will move.

Ventilation capacity

Solar roof vents use the sun’s energy to ventilate your attic. They can save you on your energy bills by keeping your attic cool and moist.

Heat build-up in the attic can cause your home’s interior temperatures to spike during hot weather. It can also result in ice dams.

The size of your attic can impact the ventilation capacity of your solar roof vent. Larger houses may need more than one unit to provide the airflow they require.

Another factor to consider is your attic’s insulation levels. A poorly insulated house will not be able to extract heat from the attic and can exacerbate your energy bill.

Solar roof vents are powered by the sun’s rays, meaning they work best when there is lots of sunlight. However, cloud coverage can reduce or even stop them from working at full capacity.


The solar roof vent is no slouch, but it takes more than just a little sunshine to make the most of your investment. It also requires some maintenance in the form of preventive upkeep and replacement of broken or tampered with parts. You may want to consider the services of a quality technician who can perform the job in a timely and cost effective manner. To keep your solar powerhouse humming along, you need to have a solid budget in the bank for those occasional service calls that just can’t be avoided. It’s also a good idea to have a home insurance agent review your policy before making any major moves. A small premium will go a long way toward helping to ensure you’re getting the most for your money.