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Crop protection is an important aspect of a healthy crop yield. Unfavourable climate conditions, depleted soil, pests and bacterial and fungal diseases can ruin crops and create a huge bump on the agricultural produce for a country. There are various measures that are taken in order to save the crops and natural resources to cater to the agricultural demands of the people of a country.

At a time when the rising population is a concern for all in terms of crop yield and consumption, there are various agricultural measures and products that help in saving the crops and providing healthy crop produce.

Approaches To Crop Protection

Sometimes it’s not about mere crop protection products. What is actually needed is a new paradigm about crop protection. This paradigm informs about crop protection products that can be used, how much and when and how they’re applied.

Some of the effective techniques and approaches that focus on the complete picture of crop protection are: 

  • Integrated Pest Management: Integrated pest management is an evidence-based crop protection system that seeks to identify and manage the agricultural pests that damage the crops and the economic growth of the producer. This method ensures a healthy ecosystem of beneficial, efficient and diligent techniques that discourages the mere development of the problems.
  • Abreast With The New Development: The crop growers and producers are getting themselves aware and trained with the latest methods, ideas and products that work for the betterment of the crops and their health. Every industry and field in today’s time is searching for effective methods and ways to get the optimum results, and agriculture is no less.
  • Improved Management of Crop Rotations: The farmers here are focused on maximising production yields through various traditional as well as contemporary methods of fertilisers and pesticides. Improved use of crop rotations, utilising integrated pest management principles, and development of novel agronomic solutions are very effective in reducing the risk of attack by pests, weeds and diseases.
  • Irrigation System Optimization: The soil moisture level is the key to maintain optimal plant health and maximise the crops. One needs to identify zones that have constant low productivity. The reasons are the relief features or lack of water, or improper fertilizing. Identifying and eliminating these factors is a huge step towards preventing possible threats.

Every person needs healthy harvests in the form of fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of many cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other chronic diseases. With the efficient use of pesticides, farmers are able to deal with the various problems of agriculture and get opportunities away from farming, thus improving their quality of life and living standards. Visit the website of Dhanuka Agritech Ltd for great crop related products and their details.

Also Read: The Various Types of Agrochemicals