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How will you calculate mass, density and volume using a density calculator?

Using the Allcalculator.net's MDV calculator, you can either calculate an object's mass, density or volume by entering two properties to calculate the third property. 

  • Select the normal view of the calculator.
  • Choose which property you would like to calculate: mass, density or volume.
  • Enter the values of each property and select the unit value used for each property.
  • The MDV calculator will automatically calculate all the related properties and produce a table with all formulas and calculations that you can use later.

What are the relevant calculators to calculate density?

This Allcalculator.net's mass-to-density calculator will find the following collection useful too:

  • Density calculator
  • Gas density calculator
  • Volume to density calculator
  • Density to the mass calculator
  • Density to weight calculator
  • Liquid ethylene density calculator
  • Density mass volume calculator
  • Cube density calculator
  • The density of a cylinder calculator
  • Sphere density calculator

What are the steps to calculate density?

  • To determine your mass, measure your weight on a weighing scale. Convert the pounds to grams by multiplying the number of pounds by 453.59 grams. Now you will know your weight in grams.
  • Using a marker, indicate when the water level is appropriate for complete submersion in a large basin or bathtub.
  • Using a snorkel and goggles, fully submerge your head and body underwater so the water level rises when fully submerged. You should wear goggles and snorkel in the tub or basin to get an accurate result.
  • Use a marker of a different colour to mark the new level of water. Once the level goes down to the initial level, have a container nearby to measure how much water was removed. Then ask that person to use a measuring cup to remove all excess water.
  • A second person must take measurements while you submerge yourself to get an accurate measurement of your volume.
  • Once the excess water has been removed, one gallon has approximately 3,785.41 cm3 of volume. If you used a cup to measure the volume, one cup roughly equals 236.59 cm3.
  • Since you already have the weight and volume values, you can now use the density formula to calculate your density. You will likely have a density closer to water's if you have made accurate measurements. Density varies depending on the type of body, be it fat, thin, or muscular.



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