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Spice up your snacking game with the mouthwatering allure of Mumbai's flavorful dry snacks! These delectable bites are a culinary treasure trove, bursting with a rich history and an array of tantalizing flavors. Whether you're a local Mumbaikar or just passing through, indulging in these savory treats is an absolute must-do. Join us as we dive into the world of Mumbai's dry snacks, exploring their origins, variety, and even how you can whip up your own batch at home. Get ready to embark on a flavor-filled adventure that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight! So grab a seat and get ready for some snacking magic – this blog post is about to take you on one delicious journey snacks home delivery near me!

What are dry snacks?

Dry snacks, also known as “namkeen” in Hindi, are a beloved category of savory treats that have captured the hearts and palates of Mumbaikars for generations. These delectable bites are typically made from a combination of flours, spices, nuts, seeds, and sometimes even dried fruits. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough or batter which is then shaped into various forms like pellets, sticks or rounds before being fried or baked until golden and crispy online snacks delivery mumbai.

One of the reasons why dry snacks hold such appeal is their versatility – they can be enjoyed on their own as a quick snack between meals or paired with tea or coffee for an indulgent afternoon treat. With each bite comes an explosion of flavors – tangy tamarind chutney, spicy chili powder, fragrant cumin seeds – all coming together to create a symphony for your taste buds.

The history of dry snacks in Mumbai

Mumbai, the bustling city of dreams, has a rich culinary heritage that extends beyond its famous street food. One aspect of this gastronomic culture is the history of dry snacks in Mumbai. These savory delights have been a part of the city's food scene for decades, offering Mumbaikars a quick and flavorful bite to satisfy their cravings.

The origins of dry snacks in Mumbai can be traced back to traditional Indian cuisine and regional specialties. The abundance of spices and ingredients available in the region allowed for the creation of unique flavors and textures. Over time, these snacks became popular not only as standalone treats but also as accompaniments to tea or drinks during social gatherings.

One iconic dry snack that has stood the test of time is “chivda.” This crispy mixture typically consists of flattened rice (poha), nuts, spices, and various other ingredients like fried lentils or sev (crispy noodles). Chivda comes in different variations such as Bombay chivda or Kolhapuri chivda, each with its own distinct blend of flavors.

The different types of dry snacks available in Mumbai

Mumbai is a treasure trove of flavors when it comes to dry snacks. From spicy to tangy, sweet to savory, the city offers a wide range of options that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

One popular dry snack in Mumbai is the famous “chivda.” Made with flattened rice flakes and an assortment of spices, chivda comes in different variations like Poha chivda or Murmura chivda. It's crispy, crunchy texture makes it a perfect snack for any time of the day.

Another must-try dry snack is “sev.” This deep-fried noodle-like treat is made from chickpea flour and can be enjoyed on its own or as a topping on other dishes. With flavors ranging from plain to spicy masala, sev adds an extra kick to your snacking experience.

How to make your own dry snacks

Creating your very own dry snacks at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only do you get to satisfy your cravings, but you also have the opportunity to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to suit your taste buds. So, let's dive into the world of homemade dry snacks!

Gather all the necessary ingredients for your chosen snack. Whether it's crispy masala peanuts or crunchy chivda mix, make sure you have everything ready before you start. This includes spices, nuts, dried fruits, and any other additional flavorings.

Next, prepare the base for your dry snack by either roasting or frying it until golden brown and crisp. This step is crucial as it adds that perfect crunchiness to your creation.


Mumbai's flavorful dry snacks are a true culinary delight, offering a burst of flavors and textures in every bite. From the humble bhelpuri to the spicy sev puri, these snacks have become an integral part of Mumbai's food culture.

The history of dry snacks in Mumbai dates back several decades when street vendors started selling quick and easy munchies to satisfy hungry Mumbaikars on the go. Over time, these snacks evolved into a diverse range of options that catered to different tastes and preferences.

Today, visitors can explore the bustling streets of Mumbai and indulge in a variety of dry snacks like vada pav, kachori, samosa, and more. Each snack brings its own unique combination of spices, chutneys, and toppings that tantalize the taste buds.

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