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Stages of play between 12 to 24 months

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What babies start and do in their initial year carries on during the following years. Through their play experiences with you, they continue figuring out how the world works. Learn what young toddlers are up to during this time and what you can do to support their development.

Toddlers between 12 to 24 months old love learning how to use objects together. They enjoy filling and dumping water, sand, and blocks. They make connections between things like placing little people on a toy bus. They also learn about sizes while stacking rings and notice similarities while lining up toy cars.

Early social skills

At the start of about 12 months, most toddlers enjoy playing around peers and children of the same age group. They play collective games like chase with another child or join a peer filling a mud bucket on the playground. These moments give children a sense of what it means to have a friend. For instance, create a toddler band by providing each child with an instrument to shake along with the music.

The toys suitable include musical instruments, sand and water play, art activities, and toy cars or trains.

Toys to buy

There are many toys for 12 to 24 months old children available in the market, for example, pop beads, plastic vessels, chunky wooden puzzles, nesting cups, and blocks with a bucket. Offer them to your toddler and enjoy watching what they do. Let them figure out how they work and what to do with the toys.

Toys for older kids

By the time your child turns 10, they start interacting with adults and children alike. Most of them also have siblings and understand how to take care of them. They learn to manage their tasks and fulfil responsibilities well. They love playing with scientific and educational 10-year-old toys to apply whatever they learn in school.


This well-rated ultralight drone can record 4K videos, has a minimum flight time of more than 30 minutes, includes level-5 wind resistance, and comes packed with tons of features that make it a great gift.

Lego toys

Another great gift for a brick lover, this jeep satisfies the demands of any boy who loves cars or is an off-roading enthusiast. When built, the 665 pieces form a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon to display on a shelf or dresser top proudly.

Board games

They make brilliant gifts for 10-year-olds and are fun, educational, and help develop social skills. The best 10-year-old games include Horrible Histories, Beat That!, and The House of Riddles – Exit Game.



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