1. Pets

Stages Of Puppy Development

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Understanding the recognized phases of puppy growth is crucial. This starts with the neonatal stage when puppies are reliant on their mothers and spend the majority of their time sleeping or nursing from them from 0 to 2 weeks of age.

At around 2-4 weeks, they will start to open their ears and eyes and become more conscious of their environment as they enter the transitional stage.

A puppy's development is crucial during the socialization stage, which lasts from about three to seventeen weeks. During this time, puppies are exposed to various situations and start to gain confidence.

Puppies begin to push the boundaries and restrictions between three and six months of age, which is frequently referred to as the “testing” stage, making reward-based training crucial.

Knowing these phases of a puppy's growth can make it easier for you to understand your role as a pup parent and keep an eye out for the developmental milestones they will attain.

Your professional  vet at Lakewood Ranch, FL is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.


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