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Fueling your body with a nutritious, balanced diet is one of the best ways to stay energized, strong, and healthy. However, there’s more to cultivating a healthy diet than meets the eye. After all, if you are what you eat, aren’t you also what your food eats?

From the farm to the supermarket, your food lives a storied and eventful life before reaching your kitchen! Understanding where your meat comes from and how it was raised is an essential step in making informed and ethical choices. Here are three things to consider when choosing meat for a nutritious and ethical diet.

Steer Clear of Soy and Corn

Unfortunately, most American farms raise their livestock on a cheap and convenient diet of soy and corn. These crops can be difficult for chickens, cows, and other livestock to digest, leading to higher disease rates and a lower quality of life for these animals. Additionally, farms often use large amounts of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides to grow corn and soy, while the overproduction of these crops can strip the soil of essential nutrients.

Fortunately, many small or ethical farms commit to raising their livestock the way nature intended. Meat raised on a natural, diverse diet is often higher in minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, making pasture raised chicken or grass fed beef tastier, more nutritious, and more ethical.

Pick Pasture Raised

A healthy diet is all about simplicity, so choosing meat raised the way nature intended is the best way to keep your diet natural and nutritious. Pasture raised chickens can enjoy scratching for bugs, foraging for worms, and eating grass and weeds, whereas cattle can enjoy more space and better digestion.

This method of agriculture can benefit the environment and provide a better quality of life for livestock. Grass fed meats are widely considered to have a tastier texture and flavor, and this method of farming helps preserve essential pasture land and prevent erosion.

Find Trustworthy Farms

You wouldn’t judge a book by its cover, so be sure not to judge your food by its packaging. While many companies might decorate their egg cartons or labels with photos of a pristine farm and peaceful animals grazing on a pasture, their actual farming practices may not match their logo. Next time you’re buying meat or animal products, a little research can help you make sure that grass fed beef liver actually came from a pasture raised cow.

A good rule of thumb is to look for farms that practice holistic grazing—a process where livestock are carefully moved throughout a pasture as they graze to improve the health of the land and the quality of life of the animals. By carefully managing grazing patterns, farmers can aerate their soil, manage invasive species, prevent erosion, and raise happy, healthy animals.

The key to making nutritious, sustainable food choices is to start at the source. By choosing pasture raised animal products from trustworthy corn and soy free farms, you can rest assured that your next meal will be delicious, nutritious, and ethical.

About Primal Pastures

The best things in life are often the simplest, like watching a sunrise, spending time with loved ones, or enjoying a home-cooked meal. This is why Primal Pastures has been setting the standard for clean meat for over a decade by raising their livestock simply and humanely. While Primal Pastures has grown since their humble beginnings in 2012 as a backyard farm, one thing has remained unchanged: their dedication to providing the cleanest food possible using agricultural practices that aspire to leave the land better than before. By feeding their animals corn-free and soy-free nutrient-dense food, raising them in pastures, and following regenerative agricultural practices, Primal Pastures sets a standard that less than roughly 0.01% of farms in America can live up to.

Learn more about Primal Pastures at https://primalpastures.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/4d5YnJY

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