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The automobile industry is one of the top industries in the world for a very good reason; we need to travel and businesses depend on it for several tasks. Automobiles are one of the major catalysts that pushed human civilisation into the modern era and they will remain one of the major factors that will determine the future of humankind as a whole. Quite dramatic for an inanimate object controlled by humans and yet, it holds the key to our future.


In the current scheme of things, an automobile is no more just a beast of burden but also an object of desire for many. We no longer live in a time where we had only a handful of companies that manufactured similar-looking vehicles in no more than two or three colour variants. The rest of the industry focused on commercial and industrial applications which were of no concern or interest to the common populace. With improved economic conditions and the inflow of numerous business ventures, India has become a hub for the automobile industry that caters to all scopes of requirements ranging from domestic, commercial, and industrial applications. A major chunk of this sector now focuses on vehicles for domestic and individual use exclusively given its feasibility and scope for the foreseeable future. In addition to the technology and components used to give the vehicle its form and capabilities, one particular factor also comes into play which has not been given due credit; the colour and aesthetics of the vehicle. While performance and build are the first preference of any car user, an increasingly large number of buyers now also focus on the aesthetics and colour of the vehicle. One of the key components that enable manufacturers to offer a wide variety of options in terms of aesthetics and colour of the vehicle is due the use of masterbatches.

So, what is a masterbatch? – In simple words, a masterbatch is a solid or liquid additive which imparts specific properties to plastic and also provides a particular colour to the paint which is applied on the body of the vehicle. Masterbatch allows for higher accuracy in controlling the opacity or transparency of the final product. The improved melting process also helps in better binding of agents which improves consistency and delivers the desired physical properties in the plastic components of the vehicle. Vehicles are no more only a means to transport people from one point to another, it is an extension of our identity. As a result, it is natural to see the automobile industry now being driven by its customer's aspirations and a whole world of colours.


Blend Colours has been providing unparalleled quality masterbatches to its clients in the automobile industry for the last two decades for a wide range of requirements. Our masterbatches are formulated after a series of trials and checks and perfecting the formulation over time. Each of our offerings is balanced to address specific needs while also giving room for improvisation as and when needed. Easier incorporation, better consistency and stability, cleaner production, and reduced production costs are just some of the advantages that our customers can gain from our expertise in this line of work. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company which attests to our commitment to quality products and a robust production system. We are also the recipients of government-recognised awards such as One Star Export House and Two Star Export House among others. At Blend Colours, we help the automobile industry to achieve its full potential where we seamlessly combine functionality and aesthetics into one beautiful and powerful unit.