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Every hair type has its perks and difficulties, but when it comes to thick and curly hair, single-strand knots are one of the difficulties women experiences. Strand knots are bead-like knots along the hair shaft; these knots are common among people with curly, kinky, and Wavy hair.

These knots can cause pain when trying to straighten the hair and make one look unkempt. Now, if you have wavy hair, the question on your mind might be how to prevent the knots.

This is an important question, but before we get to the answer, we need to find out why you get the single strand knots.


6 Simple Steps to Prevent Single Strand Knots


After understanding your hair type and some of the main reason that causes a single hair strand on wavy hair, preventing the strand is easier. Following a few simple steps during and after cleaning your hair will enjoy well-defined, healthy curls.


1. Detangle before shampooing

Water tightens the knots, thus ensuring you comb through and detangle the hair before shampooing. Additionally, it is important to use the right wavy hairbrush that can easily reach the single strand knots.


2. Detangling in the shower or during your wash

Now that you have released most of the tangles, the next step is straightening hair as you wash it. Apply wavy/curly hair conditioner, and rub your fingers through the hair stands to feel and remove knots.


3. Get your split ends trimmed.

Another way to ensure you do not have single-strand knots is to have your hair regularly trimmed by a pro. Split ends not only inhibit healthy hair growth but also increase tangling.


4. Use a satin or silk sleeping cap and pillowcase.

If you have curly or wavy hair, then one thing you should never do is let your hair loose as you go to bed. However, to ensure your hair not only tangles but retains the natural oils use a satin or silk bonnet and pillowcase.


Cotton materials absorb and rid the hair and scalp of their natural oils, which may, in turn, affect a healthy scalp and prevent healthy hair growth. Also, the friction on the cotton pillowcases makes the hair detangle easily.


5. Regularly deep condition your hair

Regular shampooing and conditioning your hair helps to reduce the hair knots. Include a deep conditioning regime in your schedule every few days. The deep condition helps to strengthen your hair. Additionally, deep conditioning provides your hair with natural oils and, as a result, reduces strand knots.


6. Wear protective hairstyles

Protective styles are not the only way to reduce the hustle every morning. They are also great in preventing single-strand knots. Hairstyles such as braids twists or kinky braids will keep you away from those stubborn knots for a few weeks.



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