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Work Smarter, Not Harder.

How many times have you heard the saying? It would probably be easier to calculate how many times you haven’t heard it, right?

Working smarter rather than harder is a phrase we’ve probably heard over and over. However, when it gets down to practicing it, we notice that we don’t exactly know how to. Learning to get more accomplished in a shorter time might seem overwhelming but it helps to improve both your productivity and efficiency in the long run.

That’s why I’ve compiled these eight surefire and easy ways to work smarter and more efficiently. You can kiss those days of frequent burnout and low productivity goodbye with the following tips.

1. Shorten Your To-Do List

Cramming too many tasks into your to-do list doesn’t help you achieve more. On the contrary, it slows your pace as it seldom works. Failing to meet up with unrealistic deadlines could further cause a feeling of dread or a sense of failure. Don’t aim too low but also learn to shorten your to-do list to something that reasonably fits into your routine.

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

2. Take Breaks

This might sound contradictory to getting things done quickly but it actually works. According to research, taking minibreaks during the working day helps to support your wellbeing and could also increase productivity. When you find your creative juices aren’t flowing as you want or that you can’t find the right words to use in that email, perhaps a break is in order. Rather than forcing through the fatigue and producing poor work, take a break so you’ll feel better.

3. Delegate

If you struggle with delegating tasks, you probably don’t want to hear this. Especially if you feel you have to monitor things to be done in a certain way that you like. However, delegating can really improve your productivity because it gives you more time to devote to other crucial tasks. When you outsource tasks that you can’t do or don’t have the time to, it frees up time to focus on your major tasks and also improves the general quality of your work.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

4. Use Macros for Time Management

Macros are mini-programs in Microsoft Excel that help you carry out tasks that you do repeatedly without having to repeat them. Macros are effective for time management because they can do automated tasks while you focus on more urgent and important tasks. The goal is to save you a great deal of time with relatively little effort.

5. Eliminate Physical and Digital Interruptions

It’s probably happened to you before. You’re neck-deep in research and a notification pops up on your phone. You open it and reply to the message from your BFF and before you know it, hours have passed on social media. You can work more effectively by using apps that help you manage your time. You can also take away things from your workspace that may pose as distractions later. Master your inbox and prioritize important messages so you can save time.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

6. Don’t Multitask

Multitasking seems like a very good idea when you have a lot on your tray and limited time, but in reality, multitasking slows you down. Focusing on one task at a time is more effective because it helps you deploy adequate mental energy and concentration to the task at hand. Stretching yourself too thin between activities is bound to affect the quality of your work.

7. Study Yourself

If you want to achieve more within less time, knowing yourself and what times you are most creative will help you a great deal. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Scheduling your most thought-consuming tasks to times when your brain is at its peak will help you improve your efficiency.

Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

8. Learn to Say No

Attending to every request that pops up on your radar is a quick way to overwork yourself. While helping others is important, taking on too many tasks will drain your energy and leave you feeling overwhelmed. Saying no firmly but emphatically frees up mental space to focus on your tasks. If you still want to help others, schedule times where people can reach you for help and stick to it.

Working hard doesn’t equal working smart. Knowing the difference can help you increase your productivity levels without having to add more work to your plate.

Using these simple tips in your daily routine will go a long way to improving the quality of your work and your general wellbeing. It would also help to increase enthusiasm towards work and make it seem less daunting.