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Stop Human Disturbance to Save Earth’s Freshwater

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Stop Human Disturbance to Save Earth's Freshwater 

Green water is the rainwater that plants get from the earth. It is vital for all life below the earth and above it. Some studies have shown that the resource is in severe danger.

The planet boundaries framework, was first proposed by scientists in 2009. It identified nine processes that have been remarkable stable in the Earth's system over the past 11,700 year. These include a stable global climate and an intact biosphere that have enabled civilizations based on agriculture to thrive. Researchers found that each of these processes has a boundary which if crossed could cause significant components or the Earth system to be disturbed.

A scientific evaluation in 2015 found that human activity had exceeded four of the planet's boundaries. Greenhouse gas emissions are causing a warmer climate, while the sixth mass extermination is destroying the global biosphere. Intensive farming is destroying nature while natural habitats are being demolished on a large scale. Researchers reported in 2022 that the fifth planet boundary was being crossed by the emission and accumulation of Chemical Pollution.

According to some estimates, Freshwater Consumption remains within safe limits in the world. However, previous assessments didn't consider the extraction of blue water. This is water that runs in rivers, but is underground. Regional borders in many river valleys could have been crossed due to sixfold increases of blue water extraction in the last century. Aside from irrigation and crops to satisfy growing livestock demand and people, global domestic water consumption has led to an increase of population and a decrease quality in blue water. This has led to disruptions in aquatic ecosystems, and the loss of life within them.

Red alert

The sun's radiation evaporates any green water in the soil. This cools the earth and returns water to the atmosphere. It forms rain and cloud. This cycle is essential for some of the most important ecosystems in Earth. It holds approximately 112,000,000 tonnes of carbon, and 25% of its inhabitants live on land.

Savannas are thought to play an important role controlling the local and regional climates in tropical forests and woods.

Water from plants is released through transpiration (evaporation and transpiration), and water that flows to the oceans by rivers. It acts as a feedback mechanism and supports local climate.

Research has shown that clearing forests can reduce the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. This reduces the Earth's ability to circulate water and puts ecosystems like the Amazon at risk. Humanity's breach of the planetary boundary has been mainly caused by changes in land use and global heating. All of them have an effect on the planet's borders and should all be considered as one system.

It is essential to have green water for food production. Rainwater is used in 60% of the world's staple food production, while 80% of all cultivated land worldwide is rainfed. These areas are dependent on rainwater as their only water source. Rain is essential for irrigating crops.

Multiple researches have demonstrated that areas larger than the world's industrial revolution are more vulnerable to extreme droughts and wetter soils. This is particularly true since the 1950s. This worrying trend is due to the vital role water plays in maintaining resilient ecosystems.

Longer and more severe droughts are a common occurrence in many regions. These are the ones currently affecting Chile and the western US. As they absorb less CO2 heating Earth's atmosphere, this reduces photosynthesis by plants. The land carbon sink, which absorbs 30% annually CO2 emissions, is now weaker and could even be a net source.

Too much soil water can be dangerous. Floods are more common in soils that are water-saturated. This can also hinder plant growth. Extremely high water intakes can slow down monsoons in places such as India, where the dry season was extended and disrupted. Heatwaves can be caused by high temperatures and high humidity . It is difficult to sweat in humid air if the body gets too hot. This dangerous combination can be found in many places, including South Asia and the Gulf of California. and the Middle East.

What options are there?

Scientists are proving that the planet is becoming drier than it has ever been in the last 11,700 years. This is threatening the ecological conditions that are necessary for life.

A few studies have shown that the sixth planetary border was crossed. Despite the fact that ambitious efforts can be made to slow climate change and stop deforestation, it is possible to prevent serious changes in Earth's cycle of green water. Along with other measures, switching to sustainable farming practices would prevent soil degradation and loss of moisture. Green water may need to be explicitly controlled and protected in legal and policy frameworks.

Research also shows that farming is a major cause of multiple planetary limits being broken. It is possible to switch to plant-based diets. This is an easy but effective way to keep humanity within these limits.

Humanity is no longer in a secure zone. It is imperative to take immediate action in order to maintain a resilient and nourishing freshwater cycle.


rainwater, planetary boundaries framework, stable global climate, freshwater consumption

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