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Nature is truly beautiful. The sky brimming in the hues of deep blues and purple, peppered with clouds that shapeshift along with the breeze, the ocean giving life to its inhabitants, the lush green grass adding a pop of color to your surroundings, you feel a sense of security and warmth as you bask in nature's abundance.

Lately, things feel a little different, don't they?

In May of 2023, the world witnessed one of the strongest storms the Northern Hemisphere has ever seen, the catastrophic Super Typhoon Betty that ravaged the Philippines.

Nature's wrath is in abundance, too.

Storms bring destruction not just to infrastructure but also to human life. In October 1974, the Bhola cyclone killed 300,000 people in Bangladesh.

As the global surface temperature continues to rise, there is an increased chance for storms in the future. 

In preparation for the worst, what steps should we take to preserve ourselves?


Nature is unpredictable, and we need all the information we can get. Stay informed with weather forecasts and warnings circulating around. Weather apps, the radio, and other communication channels should be utilized to receive timely updates on what's brewing up in the sky. Awareness will help you evacuate if need be.

Emergency Kit

Then again, our human technology can only help so much. Let's say you find yourself in an unpredictable storm scenario. What's your next plan of action? Here's why your emergency kit should always be at your disposal. Your kit must include flashlights, a first aid kit, water, food, and medication.

Securing Your Home

It is a good idea to reinforce your home so it can endure the dangerous winds coming your way. Storm shutters and boards can help secure your windows against debris that may potentially harm you and your household. The roof must be in good condition, and gutters for any blockages. Be mindful of any particular areas for flooding, and ensure you are aware of elevated platforms just in case.


Here is where your local administration must take charge. There must be a public service announcement that helps people prepare for the incoming storm. The announcement should communicate guidelines that furnish people with safety protocols. Subsequently, the authorities must also prepare a contingency plan if things get out of hand.

Community Safe Zones

On April 10th, 1996, Cyclone Olivia marked the fastest wind ever recorded, i.e., 253 mph on Barrow Island, Australia. Storms can get really violent, and you may have to endure a lot of damage regardless of the safety protocols you follow. Hence, people must be aware of community safe zones to help them get shelter for a worst-case scenario.

Considering where the world is heading and the further malpractices deteriorating biodiversity, we're not farfetched from a dystopian future where such catastrophic events are common.

Miranda Storm's riveting series, Blue Out, paints quite the picture in its own unique way. Imagine a world where storms and floods are the norm, ravaging humanity being ruled under a tyrannous dictatorship. The protagonist, Naya DeLora, swimming through adversity, discovers her talents and is sent to an elite school. Naya must prove herself in swim tournaments and a sinister military unit, Aqua 8.

However, swimming for survival barely scratches the surface of this stormy saga. Blue Out is filled with action, drama, and a Harry Potter-esque high school humor and adventure that will leave audiences off their seats.

Click on the link to learn more.


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