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When couples have conception issues, they are stressed about their family expansion plan and parenthood enjoyment. To address their conception issues, they see a fertility IVF specialist in Bangalore or their locality. The expert explains everything after being confirmed on the root cause of their infertility. However, some couples are still worried about their family expansion plans. 

During your fertility journey or treatments, some of you hear that stress and infertility are related to each other. And you want to know it. The link between stress and infertility has been debated for a long time. Although stress does not directly affect fertility, it can affect certain bodily functions, which in turn can affect fertility. Let's take a look at what stress really is and what its physiological effects are.

What is stress?

Stress is a situation that challenges or threatens the normal state of mind. You need some stress to be challenged and stay motivated, but chronic stress isn't good. Chronic stress, if left untreated, can lead to all kinds of anxiety and phobias.

How stress affects your health

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. In some people, stress can affect areas of the brain that control some reproductive functions. For example, the brain's hypothalamus controls hormones responsible for the timely release of eggs from the ovaries. This is the same gland that regulates testosterone levels in men.

Being under physical or mental stress can interfere with ovulation. This means that you ovulate later than expected or you don't ovulate at all. This change in ovulation is called stress-induced anovulation. The good news, however, is that stress may not lead to permanent infertility if your ovulation is delayed.

Does stress cause infertility or does infertility cause stress?

If you have been trying to conceive for a long time or have been diagnosed with infertility, this may be a source of stress or an additional factor. This is especially true for women.

Each month they experience stress as they try to conceive a child.

Couples suffering from infertility are encouraged to contact counsellors who assist individuals and couples suffering from infertility. Many infertility clinics today have full-time counsellors who help couples discuss the emotional issues they face during infertility and related treatments such as IVF, IUI, and ICSI.

How to reduce stress

  • Think positively. A positive attitude will help you cope with the stressful situations you face in life.
  • Get regular exercise. Regular moderate exercise is known to lower stress levels.
  • Change your diet to include healthy foods. Cut down on foods high in sugar and saturated fat. Eat a few hours before going to bed.
  • Get enough sleep. Satisfy your body's need for sleep. Resting your body can help relieve stress.
  • Avoid recreational drugs, caffeine and other stimulants.
  • Spend time doing what you love. It can be something simple like cooking, visiting places, reading a book, listening to music, etc.
  • Learn meditation or yoga – also known as a very effective way to manage stress. 

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To help you relax, you should consult a fertility specialist. A fertility specialist can help determine the exact cause of your infertility and prescribe a treatment to improve your fertility through lifestyle changes, medications, or a combination of the two.


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