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Stress Management in Ayurveda: A Key to Heart Health

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Stress, an emotional or physically tense feeling, tends to occur when you are trapped in certain critical situations. Some of the most common causes of stress are out-of-control situations, huge responsibilities, trauma or abusive experiences. Stress can cause severe chest pain, tiredness, headaches, dizziness and panic attacks. With Ayurveda, you can manage stress and have a healthy heart. Ayurveda says the amount of stress in your body is controlled by three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three doshas can affect your mental health. 

Vata Dosha helps us to think quickly, identify our creativity and use intuition. People with a high Vata Dosha tend to face situations that can make them tense. A person with Vata Dosha is likely to experience anxiety, fear, isolation and insomnia. Pitta Dosha helps you stay determined, confident, intelligent and competitive. As Pitta Dosha goes up, you are likely to feel irritated, angry, frustrated and incompetent. Hypertension, heartburn and sweating can increase the level of Pitta Dosha. Kapha Dosha relates to reliability, steadiness and strength. A person with a high Kapha Dosha tends to stay stubborn in difficult situations, which may cause high stress. People with a deep Kapha dosha may experience stress from lethargy, tiredness, and comfortable eating. 

Want to know how to manage stress with Ayurvedic approaches? Follow the tips below: 

Take Ayurvedic Supplements

You can find various Ayurvedic supplements which can combat stress. Soham Ayur Card is one of the most effective Ayurvedic supplements to deal with heavy stress. Its unique formulation comprises a mixture of many herbs and is based on prehistoric healing concepts. Such capsules contain natural, sourced elements and herbs, which can improve your heart health. Soham AyurCard pacifies the flaming Pitta and fidgety Vata doshas, which evokes a sense of internal calm. Taking these capsules has soothing effects on your internal system by improving blood circulation and controlling blood pressure. The key ingredients of Soham AyurCard are Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi), Khurasani Ova (Hyoscyamus niger), Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Arjun (Terminalia arjuna). Take 2 capsules two times a day with warm water after your lunch and dinner or as physician directed. 

Perform Yoga

Practising yoga every day can make you feel physically and mentally relaxed, which gives you relief from anxiety and stress. As yoga is a physical activity, it relieves stress from your multiple body parts and eliminates blockages, like muscle tension, that relieve tension. The most effective yoga postures to relieve your stress are Virasana (Hero pose), Matsyasana (Fish pose), Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Uttana Shishosana (Extended puppy pose) and Uttanasana (Standing forward bend). Besides such yoga postures, you can perform different yoga postures, like Surya Namaskar, i.e., sun salutation. 

Meditate Everyday

Many working professionals in India are more stressed than in other parts of the world because of their toxic office environment and employees. Office stress is a consistently growing concern in the Indian states, mainly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Meditate every day as it gives you relief from workplace stress by relaxing your mind and body. Meditation is a process through which you realize your thoughts, and accept and observe them. You make peace with your thoughts and follow your mind which gives you mental satisfaction. When you go after thoughts, your difficulties and stress regarding ah issue will be reduced and will make you feel relaxed. Practising meditation and yoga every day can help you to relieve stress from your life. 

Take Deep Breaths

Working professionals are mostly the busiest in the morning hours. Right from waking up in the morning, doing breakfast, wearing outfits, and traveling during traffic to reach the office every day on time, people face severe difficulties until they return home. You should have a peaceful and relaxed mind to work smoothly in your office. Ensure you take deep and long breaths before starting work even if you had an unsatisfactory breakfast and tolerated the heavy traffic. Besides taking deep breaths, drink a glass of water as it relaxes your mind. 

Bring Your Mind to the Present Moment

You may feel mindfulness may not be a crucial goal to relieve your stress. However, achieving mindfulness may help if you try to achieve the same with a normal mindset. You should try to bring back your mind to the current moment always. You don’t have to seek full mindfulness across a day. However, you should fully understand your thoughts so you can get your mind back to the current moment when you juggle between your past and future life. You can initiate your mindfulness by taking small steps and then trying to understand when your mind runs away. After that, you can try to get your mind to the present time on observation. Observing thoughts and being present in the current situation gets easier when you follow this practice. 

In a Nutshell

Stress can be the outcome of a variety of issues, such as traumatic experiences, the death of loved ones, difficult situations, life challenges and mental pressure. Your health may suffer because of heavy stress. It may affect your sleep cycle, hair, skin and digestive system. Chronic stress, acute stress and episode acute stress are the three types of stress, which may cause severe heart-related health issues. Ayurveda follows a holistic stress management approach. Ayurveda says three doshas or energies (Kapha, Pitta and Vata) control stress. Manasamithra and Ksheerabala Thailam can help in controlling heavy stress. 

You can relieve your stress by trying yoga postures, such as sun salutation, leg up the wall pose, tree pose and hero pose. The best mindfulness and meditation practices can help in combating stress caused in the workplace. It gets tough at times to control your stress. Ayurveda comes with a wide variety of effective remedies and practices to relieve stress and stay relaxed for years. Hopefully, this blog helped you learn the most effective Ayurvedic remedies to relieve stress and implement them in your life as and when required.  


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