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Stress relief tips and exercises – How to relieve stress

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Wanting a million dollars in your bank account has a different vibration from wanting only ten dollars in your bank account. Thus, if you want a hundred million dollars, and you faithfully follow the precepts of the program, you will certainly get that amount. On the other hand, if you wish to have only ten dollars in your account, you will get that as well. The secret is learning how to harness the vibration energy. In the Einstein Success Code program, you will be taught on the various Manifestation wavelengths. The eBook will educate you on how to effectively tap into the wavelength of the thing you want in your life. Ultimately, in the program, it will be impressed upon you why you weren't able to receive that which you want in your life before. In the program you will learn how to conjure up an image of that you earnestly need, the Manifestation experience you'll have to attain that thing, and once you feel the Manifestation experience of that which you need, then you are one step away from finally getting it.
