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Cognitive development is, in essence, how children learn to acquire, organise and apply knowledge. It goes without saying how essential these skills are to our everyday life. Cognitive development affects everything from language learning and problem solving to pattern recognition and memory. That’s why it’s important to nurture these skills in kids from as early an age as possible. Parents and educators can do so through a variety of fun learning activities, such as sorting games and pattern matching cards. Here are a few educational resources that are great for supporting children’s cognitive development:

Beyond learning activities, parents and educators can promote their children’s cognitive development through simple day-to-day things. For example, talking, singing and reading to your baby is hugely beneficial for their brain development. Encouraging curiosity in your children is also fantastic. Answer their questions, allow them to explore, and make sure to invest in whatever early interests they express. Exposing kids to various books, puzzles and activities like the ones we listed above can also be conducive to cognitive development.

Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, we hope these tips and tools have been helpful, and have expanded your knowledge on how to promote children’s cognitive development!