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As a teenager, you likely experienced your fair share of breakouts and blemishes, with the hope of acne disappearing once you reached adulthood, but that isn’t always the case. If you’re affected by adult acne, you aren’t alone. Many adults endure the challenges of blemished skin well past their teen years. If this describes you, you’re probably wondering what’s causing these breakouts and how to rid them of your life forever.

While some may assume that the primary cause of breakouts is poor hygiene, that isn’t always the case. Acne is usually caused by physiology and genetics rather than lifestyle, but poor skincare practices can intensify breakouts. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve the look of your complexion, like committing to a daily skincare routine with products formulated with blemish-busting ingredients, like salicylic acid cream.

What Causes Blemishes?

To banish blemishes, it’s essential to know the causes. A pimple occurs when the pore or hair follicle gets clogged with dead skin cells and sebum that haven’t shed properly. The P. acnes bacteria, often on the skin, infects the clogged pore, leading to redness and swelling. It’s easier for the acne bacteria to survive on the skin when it’s already compromised from dehydration or a lack of pH balance. When bacteria aren’t involved, the clogged pore doesn’t get inflamed but instead remains a blackhead if it’s open to the air or a whitehead if it’s under the skin.

The causes of excess sebum production are complicated. They are usually hormonal since oil production in the skin is associated with androgen hormones—which is why acne occurs during puberty when hormone levels fluctuate. Acne can also be a side-effect of medications that influence hormones or a sign of an endocrine disorder.

How to Get Rid of Blemishes

Now that you know how breakouts occur, here are some tips to help manage or prevent them:

Cleanse Skin Thoroughly

Cleansing the skin regularly can help remove surface oils and bacteria, two primary factors causing blemishes to appear—oils by clogging pores and bacteria by infecting them.

Use a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser, like a salicylic gel cleanser, especially if you have oily skin. Salicylic acid cleansers are specifically formulated to reduce the appearance of blemishes.

Balance and Hydrate Your Skin

Keeping your skin well-hydrated is essential in keeping acne at bay. When your skin is adequately moisturized, it can act as a better barrier against acne-causing instigators. Dehydrated skin makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate and infect, making inflammation more likely. In addition to using salicylic acid, consider incorporating skincare with retinol into your routine to help prevent clogged pores.

Target Bacteria

Keeping your skin in excellent shape with cleansing and moisturizing is essential in preventing breakouts, but focusing on eliminating bacteria is useful when dealing with more severe acne.

Look for an acne lotion containing benzoyl peroxide, which works by inhibiting the acne bacteria on the skin’s surface. A benzoyl peroxide-based acne lotion is also highly effective for prevention and as a spot treatment.

About IMAGE Skincare®

Complexions don’t need to be complicated. Creating the perfect skincare routine for your unique complexion can feel overwhelming, but IMAGE Skincare® helps take all the guesswork out of finding professional skincare products perfect for you. A talented esthetician started IMAGE Skincare to help ensure you get the most effective and nourishing products for every skin type and concern. You’ll find proven ingredients and ground-breaking research at the core of every formula, aimed at targeting your biggest skincare concerns. IMAGE Skincare’s clinically proven ingredients, skincare professionals, and results-first technology always deliver high-quality products. Use the online regimen finder, and you’re only a few clicks away from finding your ideal routine.

Take control of adult acne breakouts with clinical skincare products from https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/41wFyeq

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