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The year 2020 has been unlike any other. Restaurants worldwide had to put their operations on hold this year because of the deadly Covid -19 virus.

After all, the existence of this terrifying virus about which we know very little is sure to instill dread in the general public and employees alike. Not limited to restaurant businesses, this has also severely affected the restaurant catering supplies businesses.

 Since everything is getting back on track slowly but steadily, taking care of your restaurant staff and employees in the post-Covid phase becomes crucial.

Safety Measures in Post-Covid Phase

Although governments have gradually opened restaurants and allowed them to operate at a reduced capacity, we have grown accustomed to opting for contactless meal delivery challenging the catering suppliers to come up with innovative wholesale catering supplies.

However, what cannot be denied is that several restaurants have suffered significant losses due to lockdowns and a lack of walk-in customers, forcing them to close their doors.

However, now that things are improving as we adjust to our new way of life, it is more vital these days to look after your employees, which are eventually the core of your restaurant.

What can you do for your employees?

Your employees are the heart and soul of your restaurant. By helping them, you are directly helping your business to grow. You can do the following things to help your employees.

  • With the possibility of contracting an infection from customers, delivery persons, vendors, and nearly anybody who enters the restaurant, you must ensure that your employees are protected as much as possible.
  • Face masks, face shields, and sanitizers must always be available to keep them safe.
  • When staff comes in touch with one another or consumers, they must wear protective gear.
  • Throughout the day, disinfect every counter, doorknob, and piece of kitchen equipment.
  • To avoid food contamination, employees wearing disposable gloves should be reminded to replace them every couple of hours.
  • Make sure anybody who walks through the front entrance has their temperature taken. Temperature checks should be done for your staff twice or three times a day.
  • If an employee becomes ill, make sure you have a support structure. Check up on them occasionally and see if they require any assistance.
  • Another thing to consider is offering your employees flexible scheduling alternatives.

Switch to hygienic restaurant catering supplies

Another place where your employees can get affected is catering suppliers. The catering suppliers provide catering supplies to many restaurants, so they meet so many people in a day.

Sometimes you also ask your employees to pick up the parcel from the catering supplies, which increases their risk of contamination. However, you can reduce the risk by–

Switching to online catering suppliers- Catering suppliers like Restaurant Supply Drop allow you to shop online for your restaurant catering supplies, which eventually means minimal contact and decreased virus spread.

Introduce disposable catering supplies to your premise- Disposable catering supplies reduce the cost of contamination and the labor of cleaning too many dishes, ultimately relieving your employee from some workload.

Choose hygiene over money- Instead of bidding for the cheapest, choose restaurant utensils that are hygienic and easy to clean.

Shop smartly- Go for wholesale catering supplies and fill your inventory for at least a month so that your employees do not have to undergo the hassle of storing and arranging them again and again.

Bottom line

Post-Covid measures are essential to keep your employees, as well as your business, moving forward smoothly. Take care of your employees' physical and mental health, and they will support your business. For catering supplies, contact Restaurant Supply Drop and get the best quality restaurant catering supplies online. You may opt out of our disposable plastic cups with lids, restaurant soup bowls, plates, spoons, and more.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us today to know more about taking care of your restaurant staff and employees in the post-covid phase.

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