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Tarot Card Readings for July 2018 | Sangeeta Jhangiani

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Celebrity Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher, Graphologist (Handwriting) and Signature Analyst


       CAPRICORN –  22nd Dec–19th Jan

Career – Be very careful as some cheating is indicated or there will be some disappointments causing emotional pain.

Finance – You might be feeling low but you will get some opportunity from the universe so accept whatever help and support is being offered to you.

Health – Indicates struggle in maintaining your health. But continuous efforts will give a positive result.

Relationship – Close personal relationships will be unstable and volatile and may turn into arguments and conflict at any time. Try and be committed in the relationship.

Tarot Tips – Time to be logical and use head over heart.

      AQUARIUS  – 20th Jan–18th Feb

Career – Time to be brave, bold and in command. Also indicates Partnership offer, but delays and Postponements are expected.

Finance – Your hard work & efforts will be appreciated. Sometimes it also indicates taking monetary help from someone.

Health – Time to concentrate and a need to take some steps for the betterment of health.

Relationship – Indicates most painful point of crises, backstabbing, cheating or extramarital affairs.

Tarot Tips – Keep Patience and take the time to listen to and feel your emotions without being controlled by them.

      PISCES  –   19th Feb–20th Mar

Career – Indicates waiting period in career as some secrets will be revealed or you might reveal a secret in order to make some decision.

Finance – Time to enjoy fruits of your efforts as it is more than just income coming from a job.  It is about income and wealth coming from property, savings and other investments.

Health – Some health issues are indicated but it also indicates healing from an accident or illness.

Relationship – Some changes are indicated as some old relations will end and some new better relations will begin.

Tarot Tips – Think twice and act wisely.

      ARIES –   21st Mar–19th Apr

Career – It indicates a need to take some time out and just do nothing as you will feel overworked, stressed and worn out.

Finance – Good time to take action, things will move rapidly for you as some changes are indicated.

Health – Don’t ignore any problems in health as ignorance might lead to major injury or health issues.

Relationship – It indicates giving and receiving of love and support in relationships. Sometimes receiving of Gifts is also indicated.

Tarot Tips – In order to gain you must give.

      TAURUS –  20th Apr–20th May

Career – Things will improve and you will move into better Conditions as some changes are indicated.

Finance – Attention to details and readiness to make available opportunities as they arrive is important as a period of feeling of helplessness is indicated.

Health – Some health issues will be difficult to diagnose or some Gynaec issues are also indicated.

Relationship – Due to negativity in the relationship there will be confusion in making some decisions. Taking advice from an Experience person will be helpful.

Tarot Tips – Time to act positively and grasp the opportunities that are in front of you.

      GEMINI – 21st May – 21st Jun

Career – Things will improve and you will move into better Conditions as some changes are indicated.

Finance – Indicates time to apply for a loan or mortgage or to get some assistance from someone else to further plans.

Health – Being impatient will create health issues. Try and be positive as some mental tension or worries might affect your health.

Relationship – It indicates Physical Quarrels, fights, arguments or mental relationship disturbance.

Tarot Tips – It’s time to be very careful as some backstabbing or cheating is indicated.

      CANCER  – 22nd Jun – 22nd  July

Career – It indicates the beginning of a new project and the laying of plans for the future for which some assistance will be required in the form of a loan or some sort of assistance from someone else to further your plans.

Finance – Some changes are indicated for betterment. Whatever you have suffered in the past will be over as there is a sign of improvement in circumstances.

Health – Don’t ignore any problems in health as ignorance might lead to major injury or health issues.

Relationship – A need for sacrifice for your love or little adjustments will be required to avoid disagreement in relationships.

Tarot Tips – Do Charity to have peace of mind and soul.

     LEO –  23rd Jul – 22rd Aug

Career – Things will not go as per your way and hence a period of disappointments and loss is indicated. Face the situation positively and be glad for what you still have.

Finance – Be Positive as delays will be there, but future success is assured.

Health – Not the right time for socializing as there will be a need for a complete bed rest. But Recovery is also indicated.

Relationship – It indicates ending of conflicts, forgiveness, and starting of new relationships in the form of friendship or Marriage.

Tarot Tips – To avoid trouble Logical thinking is advisable as desires and commitments will pull you in opposite directions.

      VIRGO –  23rd Aug–22nd  Sept

Career – New challenging opportunities are indicated. It indicates the need for courage, resourcefulness, and determination.

Finance – Be very careful as some backstabbing or cheating is indicated.

Health – Would be unstable also some elderly member in your family may need proper attention towards ill health. Don’t ignore it.

Relationship – Be faithful to your partner as getting involved in two relations can create mental tension and worries.

Tarot Tips – Time to celebrate, accept responsibility and lay a foundation for the future.

        LIBRA – 23rd Sept–23rd Oct

Career – Be courageous and move bravely into new areas. Once you set things in motion, doing your own thing and in your own way, you will be able to attract to you the resources and support that you need.

Finance – Indicates contentment and some decisions to be made. You may need to seek the help of someone in a position of influence, and that help will be there for you.  It may also be that someone else looks up to you as a means to opening doors for them.

Health – Be careful as due to emotional disturbance you might get addicted to some drugs or medicines.

Relationship – You might feel lack of Independence and space due to which disturbance in relationship is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Time of “doing” something creative together rather than just thinking about it.

      SCORPIO  – 24th  Oct–21st  Nov

Career – Some problems are indicated. However, by dealing calmly with the actual issues, rather than attacking the people concerned, you can find a solution.

Finance – Patience and concentration are required to handle finances properly. To avoid wrong investments make sure you have all the required facts.

Health – Be careful and don’t avoid any health issues as some Doctor’s treatment, surgery or accident is indicated.

Relationship – As love is not always enough, taking practical consideration and working hard at a relationship, and setting firm foundations will ensure happiness in the future.

Tarot Tips – Think twice and act wisely to avoid regrets.

   SAGITARRIUS –  22nd  Nov–21st  Dec

Career – Be careful as some cheating is indicated. Try and face situation instead of running away from problems without solving them.

Finance – Some problems are indicated. Time to counsel someone that is more experienced.

Health – Be very careful as some physical accident, abortion, miscarriage or sudden exposure to any illness indicated. But recovery is also indicated.

Relationship – It indicates a conflict in the relationship due to Lack of Mutual Respect, domination or one person trying to impose will on other.

Tarot Tips – Need to examine the choices you are making in life and perhaps a small change could make a big difference.

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WMA USA Certified Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher

Certified Graphologist (Handwriting) & Signature Analyst 

Email: thetarotconnection@gmail.com 

Website: http://www.sangeetatarotconnection.web.in 

Mob : +91 9819932609