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Tarot Card Readings for June 2018 | Sangeeta Jhangiani

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Celebrity Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher, Graphologist (Handwriting) and Signature Analyst


       CAPRICORN –  22nd Dec–19th Jan

Career – It is important not to get drawn into office politics and only to deal with the facts of the matter as some problems are indicated.

Finance – Your hard work & efforts will be appreciated. Sometimes it also indicates taking monetary help from someone.

Health – There will be Recovery In health.  You will enjoy good health and even the Health check-up reports will be positive.

Relationship – Get ready for a new way of life because one is about to begin.  Change of fortune for the betterment of your love life is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Try and know your powers and you will succeed.

      AQUARIUS  – 20th Jan–18th Feb

Career – Be clear in what you want to achieve and be mindful of the outcomes of other people so that you can bring about a situation where everyone wins.

Finance – Good period as it indicates getting help and support in difficult times from a well-wisher.

Health – You or your family members may have Chest Problem, Breathing Problem, Cough or Cold or Tooth Problem.

Relationship – A need to seek information or advice from a Counselor or some experienced person with regard to problems in a relationship. Sometimes marriage is also indicated.

Tarot Tips – Bury the past and enter a new life.

      PISCES  –   19th Feb–20th Mar

Career – You will have the ability to complete your work, through confidence in your self-discipline and patience and will enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Finance – Be very careful in making decisions as you might regret certain decisions.

Health – To enjoy good health it is the time to make changes in the treatment, Exercise or food habits.

Relationship – Indicates success in the relationship as care and patience will be rewarded.

Tarot Tips – To avoid trouble Logical thinking is advisable as desires and commitments will pull you in opposite directions.

    ARIES –   21st Mar–19th Apr

Career – Best period for resolving difficulties and coming to a mutually satisfactory agreement. Sometimes a business partnership is also indicated.

Finance – New opportunities will be there to improve your financial situation, leading to increased prosperity.  You will probably have to take some action in order to take advantage of this new flow of money.

Health – Try and look forward to the future, plan your moves and prepare things in advance.  This is the best way of taking care of health.

Relationship – It indicates giving and receiving of love and support in relationships. Sometimes receiving of Gifts is also indicated.

Tarot Tips – Time to take Financial Assistance.

      TAURUS –  20th Apr–20th May

Career – Changes are indicated for betterment in the form of change of Job, Change of Department, or Change of work.

Finance – Some helping hand from the universe is expected. Hence accept that help and support.

Health – Mental tensions or stress will affect your health. So pay proper attention.

to enjoy good health. Be careful while traveling.

Relationship – Be careful as there will be sudden exposure, which will come as a terrible shock, uncontrollable situation for which one is not prepared, or you may be falsely accused of something.

Tarot Tips – Time to be accountable for your choices.

     GEMINI – 21st May – 21st Jun

Career – There will be contentment, physical well being, material success and forward-looking to the future. It indicates victory, success, and satisfaction.

Finance – Some Delay, postponements are expected, but there is a promise of future success.

Health – Be more positive towards life and try and help yourself related to any health issues.

Relationship – Be careful as a love triangle, disappointment or cheating is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Action needs to be taken to move forward to enjoy material and emotional security.

      CANCER  – 22nd Jun – 22nd  July

Career – Be clear in what you want to achieve and be mindful of the outcomes of other people so that you can bring about a situation where everyone wins.

Finance – It Indicates working at something you enjoy and earning money from it.

Health – It represents relief from problems and improvement and returns to health after physical illness.

Relationship – It indicates Physical Quarrels, fights, arguments or mental relationship disturbance.

Tarot Tips – Try to lighten the load and start practicing by saying No to people.

     LEO –  23rd Jul – 22rd Aug

Career – Need to focus on one thing at a time and to do that well. Also, you need to be flexible and see what you could put down or give to someone else to handle.

Finance – It indicates mental stress, worries, and struggle in handling finances. So don’t wait for any help just ask for it.

Health – Time to concentrate and a need to take some steps for the betterment of health.

Relationship – After a heartbreak and disappointment in love, you will remain optimistic and look forward to better relationships in the future. You will manage to build up through past experiences and now you can face the future with optimism and strength.

Tarot Tips – Inner strength is more powerful than physical strength. Use your inner strength to overcome any challenge.

      VIRGO –  23rd Aug–22nd  Sept

Career – There will be stability, comforts, luxuries, good relationship, brightness, finance and you will be full of Pride.

Finance – Destiny will be working in your favor, and a new door will open. Your hard work will reap rewards.

Health – Try & be positive as negative thinking can become the cause of your health problems.

Relationship – It indicates ending of conflicts, forgiveness, and starting of new

relationships in the form of friendship or Marriage.

Tarot Tips – Time to take Financial Assistance.

       LIBRA – 23rd Sept–23rd Oct

Career – Stability in business and success in teamwork is indicated. It can also be a successful Business partnership.

Finance – Be very careful as some backstabbing or cheating is indicated.

Health – You might feel stuck in health issues and might get over indulged in drugs or medicines. Try and look for inspiration in the form of proper treatment, diet or exercise.

Relationship – Be careful as a love triangle, disappointment or cheating is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Time for withdrawal and privacy.

     SCORPIO  – 24th  Oct–21st  Nov

Career – Time to stand up for what you believe. And put up boundaries and stand up for yourself. Don’t give up.

Finance – Enjoyment of good finance due to help and support from some known person.

Health – By being positive and sacrificing your favorite food as suggested by a doctor will help in having a good health.

Relationship – Your efforts to have a good relationship will reap rewards.

Tarot Tips – Be thankful for good things in life.

   SAGITARRIUS –  22nd  Nov–21st  Dec

Career – You will receive help and support from someone in the form of a loan, gift or perhaps a grant. Charity is advisable for a better career.

Finance – Lot of determination, focus is required to use the finances properly as there are chances of you not utilizing finances in a proper way.

Health – Indicates improvement and enjoyment of good health.

Relationship – You will feel stuck in a traditional relationship or a bonded life from where you want to escape. If you want to come out, you need to put your own efforts, don’t expect any help.

Tarot Tips – Be very careful and alert as some cheating, love triangle or some problems are indicated.

Hope you like our Horoscope series! 10084;
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WMA USA Certified Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher

Certified Graphologist (Handwriting) & Signature Analyst 

Email: thetarotconnection@gmail.com 

Website: http://www.sangeetatarotconnection.web.in 

Mob : +91 9819932609