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Many people may wonder what a Life Coach is and how they can use one to help their teenager. Help for your teen can now be obtained from more sources than just a therapist or counselor. The emphasis of a young adult's Life Coach is on what is good and what motivates your kid, to make positive changes in their lives.

Unfortunately, until recently, teen counseling or therapy was the only form of help available to teenagers. The problem with this is the teenager will immediately believe that something is wrong with them. Therefore, if you ask your teenager if they would like to attend a therapist or counselor, they will immediately become defensive. The fact of the matter is that your teen is in perfect health. They may be stumbling around and going through some growing pains, but this is true of all teenagers.

Teen Brain Is Still Developing

One reason is that until the mid of a person's twenties, the frontal lobes—the area of the brain responsible for decision-making based on consequences—are not completely integrated. Teenagers' lack of connectivity explains why they frequently come across as egocentric and unable to consider how their behavior can affect others. It is not that teens do not think, they just think differently, and their behavior can be upsetting at times; even to the point where you, as a parent, feel helpless and long for rigorous help from the outside.

Focus On Teen's Strengths

The young adult life coach concentrates on your teen's strengths and what works for the teenager. While a teen Life Coach will acknowledge some of the difficulties an adolescent may be experiencing, their philosophy is based on the idea that if your child can focus their energy on something positive, the difficulties they are experiencing will resolve themselves.

If you define what is a life coach in simple words – a life coach for teens will approach any problems your kid may be having with more humor and will be much more careful with their word choice. Because they are aware that teenagers are very receptive to and can react badly to particular words used to describe their situation.

They Are Role Models

According to research teenagers who have at least three adult role models in addition to their parents are much less likely to engage in risky behavior. So, what is a life coach for teens is another role model, a mentor. Someone who genuinely cares about the struggles and aspirations of your kid. Someone who can relate, someone who can sort through the mesh of issues, emotions, and a waterfall of words. Someone who can rearrange thoughts to form coherent goals. Someone who can help make the desires/wishes come true. And, someone who can build a toolbox of life skills for your teenager to use.

The Final Words

That almost sums up what is a life coach. Try a Teen Life Coach the next time your teen is having problems. Due to their mindset and approach, they adopt you will see straight away that any challenge your child is experiencing will be deflated almost immediately.


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