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Tender Coconut Water: All You Need To Know

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What is the first beverage that comes to mind when you need a boost of energy or are feeling under the weather? It must be coconut water. A well-liked naturally occurring refrigerant drink that also assists the body in staying hydrated.


The text in Sanskrit reveals that Indians relied heavily on coconuts for various purposes, including but not limited to nourishment. The coconut palm was referred to as the Kalpa Vriksha tree, which is a type of tree that provides everything required for life.

What Does It Mean To Have Tender Coconut Water?

Tender coconut water is the name given to the transparent liquid that can be found inside young coconuts. As the coconut matures, the water is gradually replaced by coconut pulp. As immature coconuts are green, the water extracted from them is sometimes called green coconut water.


Coconuts have a flavour that is sweet and nutty, and they are grown predominantly in tropical places. Because it helps people rehydrate, it is an excellent choice for refreshment after strenuous activity or a hot summer day. In the warmer months, many people enjoy drinking it. It can be helpful when coping with moderate ailments, such as high blood pressure or other conditions.


If cholera is present along with acute diarrhoea, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming coconut water as a potassium source in rehydration therapy.

Nutritional Value Of Tender Coconut Water 

The National Institute of Nutrition reports that 100 grammes of tender coconut water have the following components in it:


  • Calories – 41 kcal
  • Protein – 0.9 g Fat 
  • Sodium – 30 g
  • Carbohydrates – 6.3 g
  • Calcium – 10 mg
  • Magnesium – o.5 g
  • Phosphorous- 30mg 
  • Potassium – 404 mg

What Kinds Of Health Benefits Can You Expect?

The water extracted from tender coconuts has several health benefits, including the following:


  1. Due to its low-calorie content, drinking coconut water can assist in weight loss.
  2. Since it contains potassium, phosphorus, minerals, and antioxidants, drinking coconut water is a multipurpose beverage that helps maintain the body's healthy by detoxifying it.
  3. Antioxidants found in coconut water help to maintain the skin's elasticity and youthful appearance.
  4. This food's high potassium content helps protect against the damaging effects of oxidative stress.
  5. It has a low glycemic index 3, and can help prevent diabetes.
  6. Protects the body from feeling chilly.
  7. Eliminates rashes produced by chicken pox and other infections, preventing prickly heat from occurring.
  8. It acts as a diuretic.
  9. Effective in the treatment of stones in the kidney and urethra.
  10. Improves lipid profile.
  11. Contributes to the protection against infections of the urinary tract.

When Coconut Water Is At Its Most Delicate And Delicious

Coconut water is delicious at any time of the day and may be consumed by anyone. Nevertheless, there are specific times that have been demonstrated to be more effective:


  • You may start the day by drinking water from a tender coconut on an empty stomach. It will help strengthen your immune system, speed up your metabolism, and lose weight.
  • After a workout, the electrolytes in coconut water can help compensate for the energy lost during the workout.
  • If you have a hangover, lemon water and coconut water are a great cures for getting rid of hangovers.

How To Properly Keep Coconut Water Fresh?

If you extract the coconut water directly from the fruit, you need to store it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. You could also freeze water extracted from fresh coconuts. However, once it has been opened, it is normally advised that it be placed in the refrigerator.


If you keep the beverage in the refrigerator, it will keep its flavour between 24 and 48 hours. Some companies who sell coconut water put it through a process called pasteurisation to extend its shelf life. That eliminates the requirement that you put it in the refrigerator. If the package is not opened during that time, it should maintain its freshness for the entire year.

Side Effects Of Drinking Tender Coconut Water

Even though consuming coconut water daily poses no health risks for most people. However, there is a notable departure from this rule. Everything that has uncountable benefits also has some negative aspects to it.


Those with kidney disease or kidney insufficiency should use caution while consuming coconut water because it contains a high potassium content.

An excessive amount of anything is unhealthy for you, including coconut water. Consumption of it in excessive amounts might hurt the body.

The Bottom Line

Coconut water is a great, electrolyte-rich beverage that naturally strengthens your heart, manages your blood sugar, enhances kidney health, and keeps you hydrated and rejuvenated after exercise.


The findings of the investigation to this point are favourable. However, additional research with humans that are well controlled and conducted is necessary to corroborate many of these traits.


Many different brands are available for purchase on the shelves of the grocery shop. If you wish to start drinking this tropical beverage, you should avoid anything with added sugar in it.