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Thai massage and Western massage are much different than their techniques. In Western countries, constantly trying to scientifically demonstrate how and why massage is useful. Most massage therapists have accepted science as their unofficial regulator. Therapists feel compelled to demonstrate that their therapy meets the requirements of science and meets scientific standards.

In other words, the effectiveness of Massage Spa Dubai must be proven by scientific methods to avoid accusations of unproven, unscientific, or unfounded claims about therapy – what a mouth! If you think I'm exaggerating, read some warnings on the massage forms that you need to fill out before taking a session.

Massage therapists in the West try to claim that they do not correct, treat, diagnose, treat, prescribe or improve any medical condition and that only doctors can do that. I know they have to do this so that they are not sued.

Let's use some common sense here. Before the advent of medical science, people all over the world were treated with various therapies and remedies. Sometimes they worked and sometimes they didn't. Today we have modern hospitals, sometimes the therapy works, and sometimes not. The only big difference is that hospitals and their treatments, medications, and procedures are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. For comparison, tell me how many people died on massage tables!

Does anyone really believe that a well-trained masseur who has perhaps decades of experience and is directly involved in hundreds or thousands of people will never be able to improve any medical condition? Compare this to a typical doctor who is forced by insurance companies to spend as little time as possible on their patients and who runs into the room, spends five minutes with you, barely touching you, and leaves you a prescription for chemicals. You know nothing about what the pharmacist's representative told you.

I want to emphasize that I have some respect for some incredibly useful medical procedures. Modern Doctors can do amazing things by uniting the horrible victims of an accident or allowing the amputees to function again. But the experience of modern medical science in the treatment of most chronic and immunological diseases is very poor.

And now let's compare it with the Asian model, especially Thai massage. In Dubai, no one should fill out forms of admission, no one should sue masseurs, no therapist should meet scientific requirements, masseurs and other natural healers can diagnose a condition as far as they know, and can treat such conditions as best they can. his skills. If what they are doing does not work, clients can, of course, try their luck elsewhere, such as in a doctor's office. Or they can do both.

No Thai masseuse should scientifically explain what exactly their therapy does. No customer expects this either. Therapists know nothing about the science behind it because the whole model of Asian natural medicine is based not so much on anatomy, physiology, and science, but on the invisible energy flow and energy lines that they cannot see with the naked eye, the microscope. or detected in vitro. But the energy can be felt by experienced therapists, and it can be changed with the help of Thai massage treatments.

From my point of view of living in Dubai, I know from personal experience that Thai massage can and does improve many conditions. Some of them cannot be improved by medical science. After all, a stiff neck is definitely better treated with massage than chemical muscle relaxants. And stress, which is one of the main causes of many diseases, is treated more effectively with Massage near me than with chemicals.

Here in Dubai, we all know that some masseurs are quite useless, while others are incredibly good and effective. Then let's go to the good. Massage is not a luxury here, as in Western countries. Most people can afford a massage without spending a lot of money. There is no competition between massage and medical science. They coexist quite peacefully.