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Thank You For Your Efforts. a Short Greeting, Red Eyes

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The Doosan Bears lost 9-14 in the first game of the postseason wild card game against the NC Dinos at NC Park in Changwon on the 19th. 토토After finishing the regular season in fifth place, they need two consecutive wins to advance to the semi-playoff. Doosan's autumn festival, which was invited after two years, was short.


There has never been a case in which the fifth-place team has made an upset in the wild card game. Fall baseball starts with the belief that 0% breaks. It was a good start.


The power analysis effect was good. He perfectly hit the ball of NC Tanner Turley, who has good control. He took a 3-0 lead until the third inning. The atmosphere seemed to be taken by Doosan as it was. He even began to fill up his confidence that he would go up unconditionally in the second round.


The pitching staff collapsed. Starting pitcher Kwak Bin shook sharply in the fourth inning after allowing three scoreless innings. With a 3-0 lead, he faced a full base crisis, and eventually gave a grand slam to Seo Ho-chul. Immediately, Kim Hyung-joon hit a back-to-back home run, and his momentum gradually shifted to NC.


Doosan managed to balance it by scoring two runs in the fifth inning. But he scored again in the bottom of the fifth inning. Two runs in the seventh inning and six runs in the eighth inning ended up losing 9-14.


After the game, the Doosan dugout was filled with heavy air. There were parts where the opponent did well, but there was a lot of blame that he collapsed on his own. The pitching staff walked, and the defense allowed him to get on base in a ridiculous way because the sign was not correct.


It was the way to keep his last pride that he did not back down until the end when he scored three runs in the ninth inning. Doosan made this season a year of great change. He broke up with manager Kim Tae-hyung, who led the Korean Series to a total of seven times over the past eight years, and appointed Lee Seung-yeop as the new manager. Coach Lee is a legend of Samsung, who permanently canceled 36 at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu. There is no connection with Doosan.


There was a look of concern and expectation. He had a spectacular active career as a big gun with the record for the most home runs in active baseball, and he also had Japanese baseball experience, so he hoped that various know-how would be transmitted. However, he had no experience as a leader. After retirement, he continued his relationship with the baseball world by serving as a commentator and an ambassador for KBO.


1st year. Half successful, half short. This season, Doosan experienced both heaven and hell. He marked the opening game with a thrilling walk-off victory and recorded 11 consecutive wins, the most consecutive wins in the club's history from the end of the first half to the start of the second half. However, he lost all the victories he accumulated as he fell into a losing streak.


Lee set Autumn Baseball as his primary goal. a losing streak and a winning streak. I spent my first year experiencing both regret and thrill. Coach Lee said after the game, It ended in the first round. It just passed by. Thanks to our players, we are able to play fall baseball. He was appointed last fall and has been preparing for the fall baseball so far. It was successful first, but I'm very sorry that the fall baseball ended in one game, he said.


On his first year as a coach, he said, There were many times when I was happy. I won a lot thanks to the players. It was finished in the first round of the fall baseball, but there were many good parts. I gained confidence that I could go higher next year, he said. I think I was able to always smile and treat the players for a year without any major accidents or days of frowning. As a leader, I think it would be nice for players to always enjoy baseball. Since baseball is played by players, I think they rest when it's hard or bad, but I want to be remembered as a leader who can talk about that.


Coach Lee said, It was hard, but I got along well with the players this season. “Because I'm lacking something, I think I'll fill it up well during the offseason and definitely go higher than this year next year, he said. Coach Lee expressed his goal at the inauguration ceremony, I want to be on the Korean Series stage within three years contract period. The first year's ‘Lee Seung-yeop-ho' is full of experience.

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