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As a business owner, you know that knowledge is power. And even if you don't own a business, you must have heard that phrase before, right? Very few things empower a business and its team more than a comprehensive pool of organized and well-structured information. This, when online, is typically called a knowledge base –a tool that allows your team or your customers to easily fetch the information they need, exactly when they need it.

In this blog post, we'll explain what a KB (that's short for knowledge base) software is and how your organization can benefit from implementing it. Also, we'll let you know what to look for in such a tool and provide you with a list of the best KB software platforms available in 2023.

What is a Knowledge Base Software?

A knowledge base software is an application that helps businesses create, manage, and share information online, whether it be internally or externally. Knowledge base software apps typically offer features such as document management, search and collaboration tools. Furthermore, this type of software sometimes offers or integrates with other relevant business applications, such as customer support live chat, shared inbox for support agents, ticketing systems, customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, among others.

Think of a knowledge base as a parent's brain. A knowledge base is to a business what a parent’s brain is to a family. Parents know where everything is, when everything was purchased, the names of the kids' teachers and classmates, the children's schedules, etc. Thanks, parents!

Jokes aside, with customer support software becoming increasingly important among online businesses, companies can now manage and store their knowledge and information in a variety of ways, making it versatile and accessible to users. And that's precisely why knowledge management software has become so popular in recent years, because it offers business owners and team members a number of key advantages over traditional ways of storing information.

Since there are a variety of platforms available, each with its own focus, benefits and drawbacks, it's important to choose the right one for your company needs. So keep on reading to learn more about knowledge management hubs and how to choose the right one for your business.

Types of Knowledge Base Software

We can talk about different types of knowledge bases depending on how we use and implement them. There are help centers, corporate wikis, information hubs, second brains, SOP repository, and so on. However, when talking about KBs for companies, team members and users/customers, the most common way to categorize them is into external and internal knowledge centers.

External Knowledge Base

An external or public company information hub, also called a self-service knowledge base, is a platform created by a business and available publicly to their customers, users or potential clients.

As you can guess from the name, this type of platform is set up so that customers or users can find the information they need in order to solve a particular problem or query they have, without the need to contact support directly. This helps reduce unnecessary customer service emails and calls, and can improve customer experience and retention quite effectively.

Internal Knowledge Base

An internal knowledge base is a compound of structured information which is only available to a company's staff, that is, internally, sometimes as part of a corporate intranet. The reasons for creating an internal KB can be quite varied: improving employee onboarding, centralizing SOPs for business processes, solving customer queries more quickly and keeping track of updates. It can also help team coordination within a company as various departments can share best practices or learn from each other's experience.

The Key Benefits of Having a Knowledge Base

Centralize information

The days of emailing documents and PDFs around the office are long gone, or at least they should be! In today's business world, knowledge management is key and knowledge hub software platforms provide a centralized place to share and access information.

This type of platform makes it easier for everyone in an organization (or outside it!) to find the information they need, whenever they need it, without having to store it offline as Word or PDF documents which are easily lost and difficult to keep updated.

Improve customer experience and retention

By creating valuable and informative articles, you help your customers feel like your company cares (because you do!) and like they are getting real value for their money (which they are, right?).

Providing helpful tips and support consistently and on a regular basis by means of a knowledge base software platform ensures that every customer feels welcome and cared for – something that will surely make them stay loyal to your business!

Besides, when you provide awesome self-service resources, you are ultimately educating your customers, which will result in a smoother experience for them when dealing with your products or services.

Save time and money

Customer self-service is one of the best ways for businesses to improve customer satisfaction, but it also saves tons of support time and, consequently, financial resources.

By allowing customers to access the information they need exactly when they need it, your company can free up valuable resources that could be better spent on other things (like paintball days and tacos for the team!).

Improve team efficiency

While efficient team communication is essential in any organization, the less need there is to spend time communicating, the better. We're sure all of the introverts out there will agree, right? But in all seriousness, the less time we spend in meetings, writing internal emails, chatting and so on, the more time we can spend selling our products or providing our services successfully.

Connect internal silos

The term “silos” in a business refers to the separation or grouping of employees, usually by department or team, due to their skills or role within a company. While this separation seems logical, it can sometimes keep knowledge from flowing freely between departments, which can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

By using a knowledge base software, a company can break down these internal barriers between departments, and teams can work more efficiently supporting each other better to achieve common goals.

Retain company knowledge

Skills are almost specific to individuals in certain roles and almost non-transferable — this isn't The Matrix — but knowledge doesn't have to be. You can take advantage of your employes' specialized expertise by creating a detailed company information hub with documentation and informative articles. This is extremely important to prevent your company from losing access to valuable and essential employee know-how. That way, your company’s second brain grows over time and so do its chances of success.

15 Reasons Why You Need a Knowledge Base Software

If you're a business owner and are still wondering why you might need a knowledge center, here are our top 15 reasons why you should definitely start using one of these platforms in your business:

  • It facilitates team collaboration by allowing internal users to work concurrently on the same or different documents.
  • It boosts business productivity because, once the support documents have been created, staff can simply look up the articles to find the information needed to do their jobs.
  • It improves customer satisfaction thanks to helping articles. Customers will be able to conveniently find the answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.
  • It reduces support queries and costs because customers can find the solutions to their problems. They will no longer feel the need to bother your support agents for the most common queries. Self-service for the win!
  • It makes it easier to scale your support. Your support service can become more effective at training new agents, which will make your team grow more easily.
  • It makes it easier to onboard new employees. By creating a central hub of internal company documentation, new employees (regardless of the department) can be trained more easily and can find the help they need without nagging their colleagues.
  • It boosts your company's image and perception. A strong and informative center can make your company look more authoritative and position it above the competition in the same field.
  • It can be a great ally of your SEO content strategy. Indexable support articles can be a great source of organic traffic, both for brand and non-brand search keywords.
  • It gives users the chance to give you direct feedback. If you use a solution with a user feedback feature, you can get to know how your KB visitors feel about your support articles, which is especially useful to find blind spots and knowledge gaps in your services and products as well as your documentation.
  • It allows you to provide support in multiple languages, helping you grow internationally and meet the needs of users across the globe.
  • It can help you build a community around your product or service. Some solutions offer forum-like platforms where visitors can ask and respond to questions, interacting with one another.
  • It helps you to organize and keep track of your company's knowledge. By keeping an updated information center, you won't lose sight of your company's growth and know-how progress.
  • It provides your team with valuable usage data and actionable insights. Usage analytics will help your team identify information gaps and new opportunities to generate valuable content for your customers.
  • It provides your company with a simple way to create, manage and share valuable information between team members and departments, and with your customers.
  • It allows you to create a hub of searchable articles containing all your company's FAQs, product information and whatever else you want to throw in there!

Isn't that more than enough to start using this type of platform, like, right now?
