1. Cryptocurrency

The 5 Best Things About The Watch2earn Revolution

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Edge video brings revolution to watching streaming videos. On the internet, there was a notion that the flow of content was decentralized when the first streaming and content creation sites started to appear. Many platforms offer free content streaming, like YouTube. The spectators are free to create and watch their favorite shows. There is a need for a revolutionary streaming platform without premium service costs for viewers to appreciate the experience. Here we will see the use of The Watch2Earn Revolution with the Edge Video platform. 

What is Edge Video?

Using the watch2earn engagement model, which rewards users for their individual viewing time, Edge Video is a ground-breaking web3 video network. On numerous News, Business, Sports, and Gaming channels, fans can tag distinctive individuals using Edge Video.

Participating in live videos and tagging celebrities earns viewers $EAT incentives (Edge Video's cryptocurrency token). Additionally, by watching and sharing more films, viewers can potentially double or even treble their ad revenue.

Features of Edge Video;

  • Addable to any website, smart TV, or mobile app
  • Viewers can rapidly install it
  • Free Login and Paywall
  • 5-minute payouts
  • Social network recommendations to increase your $EAT
  • Like LA tokens and coin stores tradeable on exchanges
  • Tokens earned during that period

Why Edge Video is popular?

In a decentralized industry, the exploitation and disclosure of personal information of users, as well as making money from them, are not acceptable practices. There seems to be little interest in a balanced, consumer-centric strategy that will benefit everyone, As a result, centralized control, data breaches, and privacy violation will increase. Since customers spend a lot of time and effort consuming information, it is not surprising they are looking for alternatives that respect their privacy and provide them with something valuable. 

How does it work?

To monetize the free market, we plan to offer a membership token that will grant rights holders benefits such as a share of all revenue and transaction fees, voting rights, and limited edition products from officially licensed brands. Without owning a single film set or studio, Edge Video plans to use blockchain and smart contracts to build and employ its chain and network to become the largest producer in the world.

To complete the process, simply add the XCAD network plugin

The addition of a Chrome plugin extension is all it takes to connect to the network. He can move forward because the user added it to the extension. For the network's algorithm to reward the viewer with the appropriate creator token, the view count must reach 80% of the video.

How Edge Video addresses issues

Many consumers of today's streaming services suffer from cookies and paywalls. By disabling cookies and paywalls, Edge Video combats these issues. Due to its focus on monetary gain rather than the happiness of viewers, online advertising has grown to be an increasingly unproductive source of funding in recent years. Sponsored advertisements irritate viewers, who often use “as-blocking” software. As a result, streaming makes the assumption that all viewers may be using ad-blockers, depriving the publishers of anticipated revenue benefits and essential finances.

Wrapping up

These things are crucial you are necessary to know about Edge videos. I hope after reading this article you will have complete knowledge about Edge Video. The Watch2Earn Revolution will help you to earn money. If you want to know more about this, you can visit the website of Edge Video. 


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