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Who doesn’t love food? Food is the glue that binds us all together. It is our connection to one another and to those who have come before us. Eating and exploring food together is one of the most enjoyable parts of life.

There are so many things you can do to explore different cuisines, like eating at restaurants or hosting a cooking class with friends. But when you’re feeling adventurous, you might want to try making your own international dish! With a little creativity, patience, and an internet connection, you have everything you need for a great time. There are so many delicious foods out there waiting for you to try them! Here are some dishes from different cultures that might be interesting to try: Kurma Malaysia, Lebanese Shawarma Wrap with Hummus Sauce, Lamb Cutlets with Tzatziki and Feta Cheese Dip.



The Adventurous Foodie : A Guide To Kurma Malaysia

Kurma is a popular Malaysian dish that is influenced by Indian cuisine. It is usually served as a main meal, but can also be eaten for breakfast or dinner. Its name is derived from the Tamil word “korma”, which means “to cook slowly”. The base of the dish is rice, which provides a nice balance for this tasty dish.

Kurma Malaysia uses chicken, coconut milk and curry paste to create a creamy red sauce with bits of onions and bell pepper for extra flavor. The chicken will simmer in the sauce until it's tender before being served over rice in individual bowls. To make this dish even more exciting, you can add chopped cilantro and cashews on top!


Kurma Malaysia

Kurma Malaysia is a Malaysian dish, typically made with chicken, that is cooked in the flavors of curry, turmeric, ginger, coriander and cumin. Spice levels vary depending on the cook! The dish traditionally includes potatoes in it and often served with rice.

Lebanese Shawarma Wrap with Hummus Sauce

The wrap is a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine. It’s usually made with flatbread and filled with vegetables, meat, cheese, or eggs. This Lebanese Shawarma Wrap with Hummus Sauce is a fun twist on the classic wrap that you can make at home!

This recipe calls for ground beef, but you could also use lamb if desired. You’ll need to thaw the beef first before cooking it. To thaw it quickly, place the ground beef in a bowl and cover it with cold water. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes as the water will transfer heat to the meat and gently melt it. Drain the water and pat dry the beef with paper towels before cooking.


Lamb Cutlets with Tzatziki and Feta Cheese Dip

This is a Greek dish that combines tender pieces of lamb with a delicious sauce. The lamb is marinated in lemon juice, olive oil, and oregano before being grilled to perfection. After the lamb is cooked, it is served with a tasty tzatziki and feta cheese dip. Tzatziki is a yogurt based sauce that has cucumber, garlic, and dill mixed in. The feta cheese dip adds the perfect final touch to this dish.

The lamb needs to marinate overnight before cooking it so plan accordingly! If you don’t have time for that, try using the oven instead of grill or pan frying. You can also change up the recipe by using ground beef instead of lamb.



In this post, I want to introduce you to an incredibly popular and delicious country in the Middle East: Kurma Malaysia. You might be asking, “What is Kurma Malaysia?” Well, it's a country that's bordered by Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia. It's a country that has a unique cuisine that mixes both Asian and Middle Eastern flavors.



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