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The air or atmosphere in working spaces is often overlooked when it comes to working conditions. However, it is a vital ingredient for pleasant and comfortable working conditions and one which is unfortunately not valued enough by many companies.

A constant supply of fresh air helps keep employees alert and productive. Not only is a lack of fresh air distracting it in itself, studies have shown that there is a correlation between a person's performance and the temperature of their surroundings. Environments which are too hot or too cold have an obvious impact on performance and efficiency and can therefore have a significant impact on productivity. Research has also shown that accidents occur more frequently when temperatures are at either end of the spectrum. aircond service Batu Caves

A constant, pleasant supply of air can prevent the discomfort of having to wrap up and strip off in summer and winter. What's more, circulating the air supply regularly helps prevent illness in the office, as the bugs and germs are removed to bring fresh air in. It will also simply provide a pleasant a atmosphere for your staff.

We all know how noisy and distracting computers, printers and photocopiers can be. But have you ever thought about how much heat and dust they emit? Air conditioners are an ideal solution to removing the dust-ridden air to bring in a fresh supply. aircond service kepong

Modern air conditions can also help maintain the office space itself, as the fresh air reduces the build up of mould in the room. Gone are the days of loud, noisy devices which only distracted workers. Most modern devices are extremely quiet and will generally go unnoticed.

When it comes to the type of air conditioner you are looking for, then the variety of styles and sizes on the market mean you will be spoilt for choice. The devices were traditionally fitted to ceilings or walls but there are now smaller versions available which are ideal for sitting on desks or tables. However, be careful not to sit these too close to you, as the cooler air can give some people colds or chills if used over longer periods. aircond service puchong

If you are thinking about using an industrial air conditioning system as a temporary solution for your business, contact your nearest supplier for advice on air conditioner rental. Whether you are about to set up a large conference or simply require a conditioner for an industrial workspace, conditioning systems can be used in a wide variety of applications.