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When it comes to the closest and easiest protein source to eat, eggs are a must-have food in every home. Because it is a food that is easy to make and can be eaten by all sexes and ages Many people may just be aware that eggs are rich in nutrients that are good for the body, but have you ever wondered whether or not they are full of nutrients? What else are good with eggs? Even the health department recommends that people eat one egg a day, then try to look at the benefits of eggs, certifying that you know you must like eating eggs more than ever.           1. Rich in various vitamins and many different minerals such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K.           2. It lowers blood pressure. The study found that Peptides in eggs can help lower high blood pressure levels.           3. An excellent source of protein, only one egg contains 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent source of protein for people who can't eat meat. 4. High in omega-3 fats. Eggs are high in omega-3 fats, which are essential fats. It also helps maintain a healthy heart as well.           5. Rich in essential amino acids Eggs are known as the superfood of good health. One of the reasons is that eggs are a reservoir of nine essential amino acids.           6. Nourish the brain and nervous system. In just 1 egg contains up to 20% choline (Choline) that the body should receive per day. Which choline is a component of cell membranes Cortex Resulting in a healthy brain and nervous system7. Rich in lutein (Lutein) and zeaxanthin (Zeaxanthin), both of these substances are carotenoids that are important for eye health. It also helps protect the body from free radicals. And can also help reduce the risk of macular degeneration as well

           8. There is tryptophan (Tryptophan) and tyrosine (Tyrosine). Eggs contain many important amino acids, especially these two types of which these amino acids act as antioxidants. In addition, tryptophan is a substance that, when it enters the body, produces serotonin. Help to make good mood And it is also converted to melatonin that helps with sleep.           9. High in vitamin B12. In addition to being an antioxidant, vitamin B12 in eggs is also an important mineral in the homocysteine conversion process. (Homocysteine) the bad to become a molecule that is safe for the body such as glutathione, etc.          10. Rich source of calcium Eggs contain up to 50 milligrams of calcium, or 5% of your daily calcium intake. In addition, eating eggs every day can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon mucus polyps.Tips for a good figure, click >>slotxo