Moving is a massive undertaking that takes a great deal of planning and preparation. When you move house in London, it’s also a great time to have a house clearing London repair. While you’re packing everything into boxes in preparation for the move, get permission to undertake some junk and waste collection so you don’t bring unnecessary items with you to your new home. It can be tough to categorize a lifetime’s worth of property and goods, especially when deciding what to keep and what to discard.
Make a pile of stuff you wish to get rid of first
One of these heaps should be in every room. Make a definite pile for goods you want to get rid of and a maybe pile for items you’re hesitant about. After a day or two, go back to the maybe pile and make firm decisions about what you’ll keep and what you’ll toss. If you’re unsure, toss it out! That is the basic norm to follow in this situation.
It’s time to start working on the drawers.
There’s a tangle of debris waiting to be uncovered in desk drawers, bedside table drawers, and kitchen drawers. It’s far better to empty out all of your drawers before you move than to give in to the temptation to do so once you’ve established in. The easiest way to deal with drawers is to be severe with them. Any pens that aren’t working should be discarded. If you have an old stack of documents, shred them and discard them. Don’t bring any of your belongings to your new residence.
Then it’s on to the wardrobes and closets
You have a lot of cupboards and wardrobes containing more items to sort from end to end, from the kitchen to the bedroom. This is your time to get rid of rusty cooking pots and pans, as well as ragged old bedcovers sheets that have been gathering dust in the back corner for years. These are the kinds of things you don’t want in your new house.