1. Personal

The Best Dating App Is Right Here To Woo You!

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They say “Opposites attract”, but I’ve still wanted at least something, some passions that I and my partner should share in common. You tell me, is it possible for someone whose heart and soul lies in music to move out with a partner who is not even remotely fascinated by it? Well, I say a big fat NO!

Hence until now, blind dates had often been out of question for me.

Not that I am against swiping left or right for finding the right partner, but at the end of the day I need a heartfelt connection with my partner. To have a heartfelt connection with my partner, I must be able to talk to him on topics of similar interests.

Which reminds me of this dating app wherein you are shown anyone who has crossed your path in the past couple of days. Obviously, if he/ she has the app installed on their cellphone. But, doesn’t that mean inviting creeps? Or going for looks over what that person is actually made up of?

And do not forget the fake profiles!!!

Sorry, that’s so not me!

Ok after too many NOs, what makes me, me?

Uhmm, to begin with – I need someone to like me beyond my looks. I don’t want someone to swipe right just because my skin is showing up in the display picture.

Secondly, like I said I want someone to be at least a tad bit passionate about stuff where my heart lies. His unconditional support goes without saying.

Next, I want someone with an impressive academic background. No, not an IIM grad or Einstein but a decent career. Someone to talk to and not a money making machine (though it can be a plus if it is both)

Keeping the Indian mentalities in mind, is that too much to ask for a girl?

Maybe, maybe not.

But finally, I came across this app and I was Woo’ed (Pun intended 128521; )

Woo amuses you within moments of downloading it. And I’m not talking just about the breezy user interface here. But how in the times of insecurities, this app has been developed, woman-centric. A career oriented woman who is independent and knows how to balance work and home.

While you may notice it’s uncanny resemblance with Tinder (Coz of the same swiping structure) there are some features that will entice you in no time. If mentioning someone’s name and age was less, Woo helps you with his/ her’s height, location and… What you two have in common.

That brings me to a crucial point – When you install the app, you are required to filter tags that describe you the best. Tags that would help the other person know more about you without revealing too much. Privacy intact!


Talking about privacy, Woo has taken it to the next level. While for men, their first name gets displayed, women get to put up their initials. Another noteworthy feature is – as a woman, you can place a direct internet call without disclosing your contact number. Bid bye to creeps!

Another USP of Woo is the Question. Here you ask a potential partner any random question that is of priority to you. Could be something as simple as “Beach or Mountain” or even as deep as “Is materialism everything?”

Proves to be perfect for me because I’ve often been questioned by men – “Will you continue to be a businesswoman all your life? Which guy would support you?”

So you can already guess, what my ‘Question’ on Woo is.


Another notable feature of the app is “Woo Global” where you feed in an international location you want your partner to be located at, community & religion. What follows are the usual tags & questions, thereby helping you to make the most appropriate choice.


Skipped a profile by mistake? Fret not, Woo lets you check out ‘Skipped profiles’ even the next day. A premium feature by other apps, but a free one here.


Also, no more annoying ads or pop-ups!

Overall, the app seems to be impressive for a woman of today who is engulfed with negativity all across here. This is a place where she can rewind and express herself freely. Basically, no D?#@% Pics!

A glance through the FAQs tells me that each profile on Woo is verified thrice. Since you log in through Facebook, married men trying to create profiles are kept at bay. Talking about Facebook, there’s an option wherein you can hide the mutual friends between you and your prospect so again privacy is guaranteed.

Screenshot_2018-05-04-18-31-45-692_com.u2opia.woo.pngWith features like Tags and questions, Woo is the right place when you are looking out for having meaningful conversations with someone. Unlike other apps, Woo strays out creeps and perhaps that is what makes it probably the best dating app for singles, especially for women. As a woman, our instincts are higher and #YouKnowWhenItsRight. Isn’t it?

While some features of the app are Paid, you can still make through without paying the sum. Generally speaking, we are against paid apps, but here I’d say you are paying some amount to know who’s really interested in a long-term relationship, which is what makes it totally worth for me.

The app seems to blend in with the Indian air pretty well. Say when you reach ‘The Age’, have a decent take-home package, when one of your friends gets married each time you open Facebook and your parents get you registered on a matrimonial site, Woo is perhaps your go-to option. No flings, but serious relationships. Relationships based out of respect for one another, aligning thoughts and similar hobbies than mere looks & caste.

Check out Woo on Facebook Twitter ! 128578;