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It looks like Washington Memorial has a lot of beautiful new ideas for Funeral Monuments

We want to know if Washington Memorial Headstones are stable and will last a long time.

Most haven't been tried and tested for long enough to know for sure what they're good at.

Color and laser etching are two ways to make something look like it was made. Laser etching is beautiful and lifelike, but you won't be happy for long if your cemetery has hard water or moss and lichen growth. For laser etching to work, it has to be done on black or very dark granite.

This is a picture story about the headstones at the Washington Memorial.
Designs that are cut out with a laser are made with the help of high-tech CNC machines that use lasers. In this case, a laser is used to carefully arc or scratch the stone. The laser works like this. The stone is being chipped away as the laser arc hits the surface. Since this technology is just on the surface, it won't last very long. The art looks like it has lost its detail over time because of this. Once this is gone, there's nothing more that can be done about it. When people use abrasives to clean stones, the art on the stones gets scratched. Due to the amount of work that needs to be done from start to finish, laser-etched designs usually cost less than traditional engraving.

Traditional sandblasted designs are beautiful, and when they're done, they look like works of art. Even though designs can be complicated, sandblasting can only do so much. The color of deep-cut carvings in granite doesn't matter much. Instead, they are filled with white, black, and other colored chrome rock dyes.

Colored porcelain photos are something that has been around for a long time. If they don't break, they last a long time. People's headstones are becoming more and more like very large porcelain panels that are attached to granite. The headstones are beautiful, but if someone throws a rock out of a lawnmower or vandalizes the graveyard, the whole thing can be thrown away.

because it lasts and has been shown to work over time.

Getting Washington Memorial Headstones to Cemeteries
Many cemeteries have asked us to help them mark graves that don't have signs. We can give you a better deal if you buy 10 or more carved granite headstones. Another time, we were able to help a small rural cemetery by giving them some stones we had left over from another project. The names and dates are written on small stones. Some cemeteries have put in their own cement pads, while others have us do it. Some people put them down, while others put them up.