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The terpene and that you know that's that's there but i don't think there's any basis for knowing if you're if someone can actually tell the difference yeah yeah there's kind of two parts one true terpenes is predicting which actual terpenes are in there and but i've been curious with someone that knows nothing about terpenes they could smell four strains and say i like these two i don't like these two and they consumed all four it'd be rel somewhat reliable that actually the two that you had a gut instinct about were actually better performing in the effects that you experienced i mean i would start even simpler than that i would just say i would just ask the question can people reliably distinguish or even the same person reliably distinguish four different strains you so you blind them right you give you give them and you give them a cd then you switch labels you do that a couple times can they reliably buy terpenes  distinguish these.

Terpenes in Cannabis and Essential Oils

 That's really the first question and then you can start to tie it to you know effect and whatnot because you know i certainly understand the the allure if you didn't have to send this off for mass spec for every batch that would be really nice yeah um but i i don't know yeah and that only works on the raw flour and once you're getting the topicals or tinctures or something yeah then you gotta test for it and our cannabinoids have no smell as i i believe right like thc cbd there's no olfactory sensitivity i've never smelled anything anyway yeah i've seen it i mean i haven't sucked my face into the pile but yeah i don't think i've never really smelled anything off them yeah so like that skunky smell and everything else that's all you know that's mainly terpenes.

Terpenes Within CBD Products

 With um i kind of will wrap up on this i just i saw you also did research buy terpenes we're talking about cancer and cannabinoids um having tumor fighting effects so it kind of makes sense the symptoms if we were talking about chemotherapy of nausea or appetite it kind of helps those in general but have you seen or your research actual cancer fighting directly from cannabinoids and do you think terpenes um may add into that down the road yeah so in terms of terpenes i don't know no one's ever tested it um i you know i don't know it's possible i'd have to look into it test it myself in terms of cbd and thc yeah absolutely so there's a actually quite extensive literature uh showing that these things kill cancer cells directly in in like culture and they shrink tumors when you when they have them in animals uh but that's the limit i have never seen a human study that true terpenes actually looked at like human cancer actual cancer progression not just like as you say managing symptoms but like i've never seen a human study on that and so there's ample studies in animals and cultures suggesting there's a basis for this um i would really like to see it tested in human beings yeah


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