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The key answer to the question “How to get more traffic on my website” is very complex. Whether you are talking about search engines or people looking for information, it is reasonable to say that the more “information” on your website, the more likely people are to find and explore it.

Anyone can teach you technical knowledge, but more skills are needed to do well and increase traffic. It requires careful insight into your audience and precise selection and use of keywords. If there is a secret that can increase traffic and attract more visitors and customers to your website, then this is the secret.

  1. Have a business blog

First of all, your enterprise needs a blog, and you can regularly publish useful long articles on your website. This is not negotiable.

Companies that use blogs will get more than 97% of the website links.

Enterprises with blogs have 55% more visitors to their websites than enterprises without blogs.

Marketers with blogs are 13 times more likely to generate positive ROI.

How to increase website traffic – blog statistics

The higher the value you provide on the website, the more reasons people will visit it. Without a blog, it would be difficult to implement most of the remaining strategies in this article (or any article on this topic).

  1. Write an irresistible title

The title is one of the most important parts of your content. In fact, research shows that effective blog titles can increase traffic by 500%. Without a compelling title, even the most comprehensive blog post will not be read. Master the art of title writing, so that readers can choose your posts on the SERP.

seo tips

  1. Invite others to visit the guest post on your site

Guest writers can not only diversify your topics and opinions, but they also want to share the article with their network and link to it on their website, which can bring new readers to your website. Just make sure you only post high quality original content and no spammed links (lest you get penalized and lose traffic). A standard set of guest Posting guidelines can help solve this problem and keep your content branded.

  1. Create stunning visuals

Use design tools to illustrate concepts, visualize data, and recreate diagrams in your brand. When other sites use your images, they will link back to your site. Also, showing more images in your regular search results gives you more opportunities to rank and increase the appeal of your results (and thus increase click-through rates).

  1. Merge videos

Text-based content is great, but video can attract more visitors and keep them engaged. Here are some ways to use video to get more traffic to your website:

Embed videos in your blog posts so that they can appear in video search results.

Do tiktok, then add a link to your site in the video’s caption.

Add call-word buttons directly to your videos to bring people to your site.

  1. Have a resource center

Videos and blog posts are not the only types of content you should create to educate your audience and build trust. Don’t forget infographics, downloadable guides, templates, webinars, and more. Collect these lead magnets on the resources page as you create them and use them elsewhere on the web. Multimedia content libraries are sure to attract visitors who will return to your site again and again.



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