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If we take the analogy of the body functions, then the MEDITATION, YOGA and  WaterFreedom System Review NAMASMARAN; constitute the biochemical, biophysical and bioelectrical activities in brain; and holistic international perspective, policy making, programs and implementation at ground level; constitute intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical manifestations.

MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN never were, never are and never would be sterile in terms of individual and global blossoming; but when marketed, sold or freely distributed, if they are cut off from ground realities; and devoid of the holistic solutions, then they are merely the caricatures of “MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN” and hence sterile and often counterproductive!

Looking at from another angle; MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN are actually the states of being when we are connected with our true selves or our innate core; in as much the are procedure or methods! As the methods; they are really incomplete and inadequate; without certain essential prerequisites. In other words; MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN as methods; are like breathing OXYGEN and are essential for life; but incomplete and inadequate without other physiological activities required for optimum health; so as to reach the ultimate enlightenment; the states of culmination of the practice of YOGA, MEDITATION and NAMASMARAN.Let us remember that as methods; YOGA, MEDITATION and NAMASMARAN are NOT complete and certainly NOT the ENDS in themselves.



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