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Sodium hydrosulfite is a chemical compound with the molecular formula Na2S2O4. It is a white, water-soluble powder that is highly reactive and has a strong reducing power. The compound has a characteristic sulfurous odor and is commonly used in various industrial applications.

Sodium hydrosulfite is a powerful reducing agent, which means it has the ability to break down and remove oxygen from chemical compounds. It reacts with many different substances, including oxygen, water, and acids, to produce a variety of products.

One of the most common reactions of Sodium Hydrosulfite is its ability to reduce dyes and pigments in textiles and paper products. It is also used as a bleaching agent to whiten fabrics and to improve the brightness of paper products. In addition, it is used in the production of polyester and in the preparation of cotton fibers for dyeing.

Sodium hydrosulfite is highly reactive and can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is important to follow strict safety protocols when using this compound to prevent accidents and ensure proper handling and disposal.


Read More @ http://dailynewsmotion.weebly.com/blog/sodium-hydrosulfite-is-used-in-several-sectors-as-a-reducing-agent



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